Mojo Rawley Reveals Frustration Over WWE Dropping Feud with Zack Ryder After Breaking Up Hype Bros

At one point in time on WWE television, there was a long play story involving the Hype Bros, which consisted of Mojo Rawley and Zack Ryder. They would move from NXT to Monday Night Raw and would stay in the mix for a minute until they were broken up thanks to Rawley turning on Ryder, igniting a feud between the two. At least, that was the assumption, but unfortunately, that feud never materialized, even with the two giving it their all through social media promos. Rawley and Ryder would later be released by WWE, and that of course put the true end to any hopes of ending that storyline. In a new interview with Shoot Conversations with Chris Hero, Rawley talked about the winding road the duo took to get to the main roster and the frustration of never being able to really tell the story they wanted.

"We were the Hype Bros for years and I thought with the real-life dynamic, if they had put that on TV, the whole locker room loved it. They loved sitting there and listening to me and Broski go on each other and hear about our adventures," Rawley said. "I was like, 'Man, we need to be doing this on TV.' I turned on him and they told me from the start, 'You're going to turn on him, ya'll are going to have one match, and then we're deading this thing.' I was like, 'Man, we have such a good story here.' They even put it on the pre-show. After I turned on him, we didn't have anything on TV the next week, they said the video package they made for us, which I liked, was too long for the time slot, so they didn't put anything. Then I had my first match as a heel on the kick-off show at Clash of Champions. Broski and I talked and were like, 'Let's just go after each other on social and cut real-life promos.' We did and I remember cutting them in my garage and the internet went nuts over them. It was kind of frustrating because we could have been doing it the whole time."

Rawley also talked a bit about how his approach differed from Ryder's, and their differing visions for the team.

"Broski had a set way of doing things. He was there for a long time and he knows what was successful for him and what didn't work out, so he had a lot more refinement. I had a lot more raw ideas. When it worked out well, a lot of times, it was him taking some of my ideas and my energy and finding the best way to filter that for the crowd and for both of us," Rawley said. "We did have different opinions on what that team should be. Broski wanted to focus on the wrestling and in-ring and I wanted to focus on real-life components and entertaining side. For me, I knew most of our matches would be five-minute segments on TV so we had to find ways to get over, the wrestling is so much secondary. The closest thing I could think of to what I wanted the Hype Bros to be originally was probably The Street Profits, being hyped up and running through the crowd. That was stuff I think I did on live events and they were like, 'Chill out.' We did a little bit of it in NXT, but on the main roster, we never got to."

When they finally moved from NXT, it wasn't exactly how they anticipated, and they were overshadowed a bit as well.

"The only thing we knew was they were putting us together in NXT and we were supposed to be there a very short amount of time, do a handful of matches, get a few reps, and go straight to the main roster," Rawley said. "Hunter told me from the get-go, 'The way the NXT crowd is evolving, you're a main roster guy.' That short amount of time turned into a year or whatever it was before we got called up and then it was with the draft and we were sent in at the same time as American Alpha. We had all the NXT hype in the run and we kind of debuted as the real-life B Team."

Do you wish we had received a proper Hype Bros. feud? Let us know in the comments or as always you can talk all things wrestling with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!

H/T to Fightful