As the title of the event implies, it was all about Blood & Guts during tonight’s AEW Dynamite, and it certainly lived up to its billing. Team Elite took on Team AEW inside of the two-ring spanning cage, and the fight was every bit as bloody, brutal, and surprising as fans would expect. Chairs, tables, tacks, barbed wire boards, handcuffs, and even staple guns would make their way into the match, providing several unforgettable spots, including several involving Swerve Strickland. Both teams were prepared to go the distance and do whatever it took to win, but it was Darby Allin who would secure that win after cuffing Jack Perry to the cage and pouring gasoline all over him before threatening to light him on fire. That pushed the EVPs to throw in the towel and give Allin his TNT Championship match at All In, allowing Team AEW to walk away with the win.
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Team Elite In Control

Jack Perry and Darby Alan started things off in the match, but Allin didn’t even make it into the cage before being attacked. Once in the ring things didn’t get off to a great start for Allin either, as Perry strangled Allin with a cord and then hit him over the head with a trash can, and then threw him like a lawn dart into the trash can in the corner. The next man in the match was Nick Jackson, giving The Elite a big advantage. The punishment continued when Jackson got in the ring, as Allin was knocked into the cage and hit with a superkick before falling in between the ring and the cage.
Next in was Marc Briscoe, followed by Matthew Jackson and then Anthony Bowens. Next in was Kazuchika Okada, who brought in a Rainmaker sign and hit Briscoe (who was already bleeding) with a pile driver. A low blow followed and then Okada hit a dropkick into a chair, knocking Briscoe to the mat. A table was brought out next and The Elite had Team AEW on the ropes, but reinforcements came just in time with Max Caster, who hit people with microphones, chains, chairs, and whatever he could get his hands on.
Caster got ahold of a barbed wire board and tried to slam Okada onto it, but Team Elite made the save. Then Bowens got slammed onto the barbed wire twice in a row, and Team Elite followed it up by putting tacks in Caster’s mouth and then hitting him with super kicks. It was Hangman Adam Page’s turn to enter the ring, but he took a while to emerge, and Team AEW used the opportunity to come back and attack Team Elite.
A Swerve Ambush
Bowens then wrapped his leg with barbed wire and hit a low blow on Jackson, and it was time for Swerve Strickland to enter the match. Strickland came out ready to fight and then Page ran out of the entrance with a chair and hit the Champion. Page attacked Strickland and then handcuffed Strickland to the cage on the outside, keeping him out of the cage. Page then handcuffed Swerve’s other hand as well, completely removing him from the match. Page then threw Prince Nana to the floor and hit Strickland with the Championship.
The EVPs then yelled at Page and told him that if he didn’t come into the cage he was fired, as they had a deal. The cage was then locked and Jackson said to ring the bell despite not everyone being in the cage. Okada and Page got in each other’s face and Okada shoved him, and that gave Team AEW an opening to make a comeback. Jeff Jarrett came out and then so did Billy Gunn, who unlocked Strickland from the handcuffs, and then Prince Nanaalso chipped in. Strickland was free and then they cut the cage to let him in, and he went through everyone.
Strickland and Page exchanged strikes and then The Elite revealed what was in their suitcase. It turned out to be staple guns, and all four Elite members had one. They all started to plug the Champ with staples, but then he laughed and grabbed a staple gun of his own. Both EVPs got staples to the face and head, and then Perry got one too. Okada knocked the staple gun out of Swerve’s hand, but then he turned mourned and stapled Okada’s finger. Finally, Swerve stapled Page’s jaw, knocking every member of the Elite to the mat.

Back from break, Bowens was knocked off from the top of the cage through a table at ringside, and then Briscoe went off and cleared the ring of The Elite before putting Jackson on a table and smashing him through it.Then Perry was handcuffed to the cage by Briscoe and beaten with a kendo stick, and the team then handcuffed Jackson to the bottom rope. Allin then came into the ring with a can of gasoline, and he went straight for Perry. Allin poured gas all over Perry and then said that he was going to light him on fire unless he said I quit. He also told him to put his TNT Title on the line, but Perry spit at him. Jackson then pleaded with Allin and told him he could have his TNT Championship match at All In. Allin then said he would light Perry on fire if he didn’t say they quit, and Jackson obliged, saying things had gone too far and that they quit.
What did you think of the match? You can talk all things wrestling with me on Threads and Twitter @mattaguilarcb!