Shane McMahon Defeats The Miz Once Again at Money In The Bank

The latest chapter in the rivalry between Shane McMahon and The Miz resulted in a steel cage match [...]

The latest chapter in the rivalry between Shane McMahon and The Miz resulted in a steel cage match on Sunday night at Money In The Bank.

The cage match seemed like it would be the culmination of the story. Miz's father was nowhere to be seen as the two duked it out inside the chain link fence that surrounded the ring. However, due to the eventual result, it looks like we'll probably be getting at least one more match between these two.

McMahon brought a chair into the ring at one point through the open cage door, but Miz got hold of it and beat his opponent instead. He also used the cage door on McMahon's head.

The Miz ended up hitting a Skull Crushing Finale on to a chair to seemingly have the match won. He covered, but McMahon got a foot on the rope to break up the pin. Michael Cole was quick to note that there are no rope breaks in a cage match and the ref got it wrong. The crowd started chanting "bulls--t" as Renee Young also jumped in to criticize the ref.

McMahon then turned the tide of the match by reversing a Skull Crushing Finale attempt from the top rope. McMahon tried to escape the cage but Miz nailed him a couple of times in the leg with a steel chair. They fought together at the top of the cage, exchanging right hands. Eventually, Miz slammed Shane face first into the cage to have him fall down to the mat, all the way from the top of the cage.

Miz hit a top rope splash for another near fall. Moments later, McMahon turned the tables by locking in a submission. McMahon tried to escape the cage but Miz caught him at the top. After Miz went for a super-plex, which Shane blocked, Shane slid toward the outside. As Miz held him by the shirt, Shane slid out of his shirt, falling to the ground below and winning the match.

Due to the heel once again getting the victory, it looks like this feud will continue on.