WWE’s Bray Wyatt Teases Return of The Fiend in SmackDown QR code


Bray Wyatt was back in all his glory during tonight’s episode of WWE SmackDown, and he had a message for his opponent at the Royal Rumble LA Knight. Before that happened though Wyatt had something else up his sleeve, as during a cut to him before the commercial break there was a new QR code flashed on the screen. When fans went to see what it led to, it was a video of Wyatt in his Firefly Fun House look, and he said hi but quickly changed his expression. As he glared at the screen he said Let Me In, and then The Fiend flashed up on the screen. You can check out the full video below,

Videos by ComicBook.com

That wasn’t the only tease Wyatt had to offer though. After he made his way to the ring he started talking about remembering who he was and then brought up his old nicknames. He then said things like the red with everything black and white, which was another big reference to The Fiend.

He did also say he was Uncle Howdy during that sequence, but that seems to not be correct, as Uncle Howdy came out and hit Wyatt with a Sister Abigail recently. That said, perhaps they are the same person and there’s some sort of physical manifestation of this personality in addition to Wyatt’s core set. We’ll just have to wait and see.

Uncle Howdy is likely to have some involvement with Wyatt’s match at Royal Rumble. That match will be a Pitch Black match, a match we really don’t know much about. It’s been theorized that it will be a street fight-style match, and it promises to be something memorable if Wyatt’s first few months back are any indication.

Wyatt returned to WWE at Extreme Rules, delivering an epic entrance that also featured live-action versions of his other characters and personas. Perhaps we’ll see something as memorable at the Royal Rumble, though we should at least get the next chapter of this ongoing story within himself.

What did you think of Wyatt’s promo tonight, and are you excited for the possible return of The Fiend? Let us know in the comments and as always you can talk all things wrestling with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!