WWE: New Report Shows Vince McMahon's Multiple Attempts to Break Up The New Day

WWE's The New Day hold a special place in the history of the company. Not only did they set records and produce two WWE Champions in Kofi Kingston and Big E, but they hold the distinction of being one of the few big tag teams in company history to never break up. It didn't matter if they weren't on the same roster or if one of their members was trying to compete in singles competition, the trio always remained supportive of each other. However, Fightful Select dropped a report on Thursday stating Vince McMahon repeatedly tried to book a way to break the three up during his years as WWE's booker. 

Examples included WWE being ordered to only refer to Kingston and Xavier Woods by their name while Big E was on the opposite brand (that was short-lived), when Woods won the 2021 King of the Ring tournament and after Kingston won the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 35. The three fought every idea and have remained a unit ever since. While Woods was just in an Intercontinental Championship No. 1 contenders match, Kingston is currently out with a leg injury. E still has not wrestled since suffering a broken neck last year.

E talked about McMahon's post-KofiMania plans back in 2021 with TalkSport. He explained, "I know there were rumours for a while that certain things were pitched, but I think because we had been so adamant about not wanting to be broken up I think that's where people were like 'ehhh, I don't know if we should because they really don't want it.' I can't really divulge the conversation, but even from the top of the business, the very head of what we do — you know exactly who I'm talking about — he directly told us 'hey, this is the idea' and we said, we're not feeling it. This was post-KofiMania. There were people who wanted it earlier [than that] as well."

"If we'd done it, we would have missed out on so many great moments. I still think that doing it now or soon, there are great moments to come and we have a lot more to offer. I think you've seen happy, clappy New Day for a very long time," he added. "I still even want to play around with the original ideas we had. When you saw Woods come out in that red and white suit in 2014... that was our original intent, our original plan! To be this hard-nosed, not shaking hands, not singing, not shucking and jiving anymore — we're not taking it anymore. We're not sitting back, we're going to take it."