WWE NXT Reveals the fate of Tony D'Angelo

It was a battle for the Don of WWE NXT tonight, as Stacks took on Gallus' Joe Coffey to decide the fate of Tony D'Angelo. If Coffey won, D'Angelo would go to trial and possibly jail for good. If Stacks won, D'Angelo would be a free man. The stakes couldn't be higher, and it looked as if a deal was brokered between Coffey and Stacks to keep D'Angelo in jail. Things took a swerve though, and all the sudden it was revealed that this had been the plan all along. Stacks would pull back on the deal and use some delightful trickery and an homage to Eddie Guerrero to get the win, and with it, D'Angelo will now be a free man. WWE then revealed that D'Angelo will return next week on NXT.

At the start of the match, Stacks and Coffey locked up but Coffey pushed Stacks' leg down and took control of his wrist. Stacks countered and rolled out of another lock, and then Coffey slammed Stacks down into a hold on the mat. Coffey then knocked Stacks down and started talking to him, telling him it's time, it's time. Coffey then clotheslined Stacks and went for the pin, but Stacks kicked out.

At that point, Coffey and the rest of Gallus looked shocked and confused. Coffey started yelling at them, telling them he went back on the deal. Then he yelled at Stacks, saying they had a handshake deal and it was about business. Stacks yelled back that he wasn't a snitch, and it looks like any deal that was made was now out the window.

Back from break, Tony D'Angelo called in from jail, telling him that they got Gallus where they want them and encouraging Stacks to take the fight to them. Mark and Wolfgang got up on the ring apron and that let Joe hit Stacks from behind. Joe kept telling Stacks they had a deal, but then Stacks hit another gear, hitting clotheslines, shoulder tackles, and a big slam on Joe in the corner.

Stacks then went out and attacked Wolfgang before slamming Mark down over the ropes. Then Stacks pulled a crowbar from the turnbuckle and hit Joe with it in the stomach without the referee seeing it. Then Wolfgang got in the ring but Stacks threw the crowbar into his hands and fell down to the mat. At that point, the referee turned around and saw the crowbar in Wolfgang's hand and Stacks on the ground, and he kicked both Wolfgang and Mark out of the ring.

That let Stacks slam down Coffey and get the pin and the win, which means that Tony D'Angelo is free and will be returning to NXT. WWE later revealed that D'Angelo will make his triumphant return to NXT next week with a big ceremony, and we can't wait to see The Don of NXT back in the ring.

What did you think of the match? Let us know in the comments and as always you can talk all things wrestling with me on Threads @mattaguilarcb!