WWE SmackDown: The Usos Must Win Tag Team Titles Unification Match or They're Out of the Bloodline

Roman Reigns and The Bloodline kicked off tonight's episode of WWE SmackDown, and he wanted the crowd to not just acknowledge him but also The Bloodline, and then gave things over to Paul Heyman, who added some major stakes to the Tag Team Titles Unification match later tonight. Heyman said welcome to the single biggest night in the history of Tag Team wrestling. "You see what we have here on the island of relevancy is the moment of truth. Roman Reigns is the G.O.A.T. You can take your Bruno Samartinos. Your Hulk Hogans. Your Stone Cold Steve Austins. Your Dwayne The Rock Johnsons. Your John Cenas. Your Brock Lesnars. They would all be stacked up and pinned by the Undisputed GOAT, the greatest of all time, Roman Reigns," Heyman said.

Heyman then said "each and every single night of his life, Roman Reigns defends the position of being the greatest of all time, because that's what it takes to be the Tribal Chief on the Island of Relevancy. So what does it take for The Usos to be the greatest Tag Team of all time? I say that with nervousness in my voice because I stand in the ring with the descendants of Afa and Sika. You would have to do something more impressive than Afa and Sika, and that is to become the Undisputed Tag Team Champions."

Heyman continued, saying "To do that you would have to beat RK-Bro, and this is the best Tag Team on SmackDown against the best Tag Team on Raw, perhaps the best team in Raw's history. The Usos have to make their spot. Tonight, The Usos will come home the Undisputed Tag Team Champions or they won't come home to the Island of Relevancy at all. Tonight The Usos will beat RK-Bro. Tonight, The Usos will become the greatest Tag Team of all time. Tonight, The Usos will become the Undisputed Tag Team Champions of the world. And that's not just a prediction, that ladies and gentlemen is a spoiler."

Reigns got back on the mic and said "Usos! Twins. You know what I want. And I expect you to deliver. The only reason I have these expectations is because I love you. Reigns hugged them and stared into the camera, and now the pressure is on, as The Usos could become the Undisputed Tag Team Champions, or it appears they will be out of The Bloodline.

What did you think of the opening promo and the new stakes? Let us know in the comments and as always you can talk all things wrestling with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!