Former actor and spokesperson Wilford Brimley died at the age of 85 on Saturday after being admitted to a local ICU on dialysis. In his final years Brimley had built up a following on social media thanks to the comical interactions he’d have with fans, usually poking fun at his unique career. His final tweet before his death kept up that same trend, as the Cocoon star was asked what his pro wrestling name would be if he had joined the WWE. Brimley rattled off four hilarious names without hesitation, pitching, “Under Quaker, Brim-stone, Killford Brimley and The DIE-A-BEASTUS.”
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Brimley’s acting career kicked off with a small role in the John Wayne version of True Grit back in 1969, and by the end of his life he had more than 70 acting credits in projects like The Thing, Hard Target, The Firm and How the West Was Won.
Popular choices included:
โ Wilford Brimley (@RealWilfordB) July 31, 2020
Under Quaker
Killford Brimley
The DIE-A-BEASTUS#WWE #WilfordWrestlingEntertainment
After learning of his passing, several wrestling fans took to Twitter to celebrate Brimley’s idea.
The WWE better induct Wilford Brimley into the hall of fame. RIP good sir.
โ Kevin Brackett (@KevinRBrackett) August 2, 2020
Folks remember Wilford Brimley’s ad contributions to Quaker Oats and diabetes, but my friends and I had a soft spot for his Leverage Digger commercials frequently aired during WWE on USA. They opened with him gruffly saying “Hi, folks. I’m Wilford Brimley. I love m’flowers.”
โ Brandon Rohwer (@brandonRohwer) August 2, 2020
Brimley is survived by his wife Beverly and his three children.
“Wilford Brimley was a man you could trust. He said what he meant and he meant what he said,” Brimley’s manager Lynda Bensky said in a statement following his death. “He had a tough exterior and a tender heart. I’m sad that I will no longer get to hear my friend’s wonderful stories. He was one of a kind.”