WWE's Brock Lesnar Challenges Roman Reigns to Title vs Title Match on SmackDown

Tonight's WWE SmackDown was kicked off by Roman Reigns, who missed the Day 1 event because of COVID-19. He was back in action tonight, and he went into the ring for a promo. "I miss one week and it all falls apart I guess," Reigns said. "But when you're in isolation, you do a lot of thinking, there's so many things I wanted to do. There's so many things I wanted to say, and there's so many people I wanted to see, except for two people. These two people I don't want to see for my life again. And these two people are Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman."

Then Lesnar's music hit and and the new WWE Champion came out to the ring joined by Heyman, and he was all smiles and pumped to be face to face with Reigns. Reigns didn't look so thrilled.

Lesnar walked around the ring a bit and then went into the ring. He asked for a microphone and Heyman went into his spiel, but Lesnar took it form him and introduced himself. "Allow me to introduce myself. The reigning, defending, WWE Champion of the world, Brock Lesnar!"

He then asked for approval from Heyman and Heyman thought it was great. Lesnar said "Roman Reigns, acknowledge me" with a laugh, and Reigns rolled his eyes. Lesnar said "you have a lot to say all the time. Last Saturday I got what I want. The WWE title. You got what you wanted. Now, why don't we give everybody what they want?"

"Tite vs Title. Champ vs Champ. Let's do this Roman," Lesnar said.

Reigns thought about it for a minute, and then smiled. "It's a good idea. It's a good idea, but it's not my idea. And this is my show. And we do what I say on my time. And on top of that, I don't do business with people who do business with trash like Paul Heyman," Reigns said.

Heyman then said "How can you talk to me that way. Of all people to talk to me that way. How did you get that title? Me. Who helped you keep that title. I protected you from Brock Lesnar. You were my Tribal Chief."

Lesnar wasn't very happy, asking him what he said. He then told Heyman to shut up, but Reigns told Lesnar not to talk to him that way. Lesnar then said "or what", and when he pushed Heyman away Reigns gave Lesnar a Superman Punch, knocking him down and leaving the ring much to Heyman's surprise. As he was walking away he also taunted Lesnar with Raw being the no. 2 show and this being his show.

So, it seems we will get a title vs title match sooner than later, and perhaps the Reigns Heyman era isn't as done as we thought it was.

What did you think of the segment? Let us know in the comments and as always you can talk all things wrestling with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!