Videos by ComicBook.com
Today, they announced a stretch goal: If the campaign generates $40,000 before it wraps on September 23 (it’s currently sitting at $32,000), they’ll add pages to the book and fill them with content provided by backers. At $45,000, they’ll include a sketch print from Conner in every print rewards package.
Here’s the official description:

To be clear, we aren’t looking for slasher porn, gore or just violence to be violence, really be creative but keep in mind how we try to approach our stories, clever and titillating (total pun intended). What we will be doing is posting every single entry on the Paperfilms site every few days as they come in and then we will pick 5 winners in each category (5 in the Illustration category and 5 in the Photography category), announce them and they will be featured in the print book and the digital version of Sex & Violence: Vol. 2. For the 5 winners in each category, we will credit each artist, photographer and model and give them three (3) copies of the book as well, autographed by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti (in addition to their regular pledge!).
We will only be taking submissions from the people that have backed this Kickstarter. In the end, we get other peoples work out there, have some fun and add some content to the book. Note there will be a deadline associated with this so we have time to post, review and get the final images included for the print copy. No use of copyrighted characters is permitted. Further details will be communicated once we achieve the stretch goal.
$45 THOUSAND GOAL: Every single non-digital pledge will get an exclusive sketch print by Amanda Conner. This will be a piece she does exclusively for the Kickstarter. For the digital pledges, we have something special lined up for you as well. More about that later.