Mark Hamill Promises to Reveal Star Wars Episode VIII Secret if He Reaches 1 Million Followers

Bear in mind, it's April first, but Mark Hamill is making the push to a million twitter followers, [...]

(Photo: Mark Hamill)

Bear in mind, it's April first, but Mark Hamill is making the push to a million twitter followers, and he has quite the incentive for new followers: a Star Wars: Episode VIII secret.

"[Writer/Director] Rian Johnson OK'd release of stunning Episode VIII plot point - Tell 21,000 friends!" Hamill tweeted with a picture of him pointing at his copy of the script.

Hamill currently has approximately 983,000 followers, so he's already gained 4k in his quest, needing only 17,000 more. He also tweeted later that he "will share #SWSecret later even if I don't get #HAMILLION - Rian Johnson gave the OK."

So, is this all an elaborate prank? Hamill has also been The Joker for 25 years now, after all. Guess we'll find out later today when he hits 1 million followers - or just later anyway.

Star Wars: Episode VIII is currently filming for a December 15, 2017 release.

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