Disneyland is finally preparing to rid one of its most popular attractions of what has easily become the ride’s most controversial topic. It’s time for the Pirates of the Caribbean to say goodbye to its cringe-worthy bride auction sequence.
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Anyone who has ridden Pirates of the Caribbean over the years will certainly remember the part of the ride where numerous women are standing in a line, waiting to be put up for auction by a group of men. One of these women is on display and several of the men are in bidding to take her home. The auctioneer yells to the crowd, “Take a wench for a bride!”
Of course this has become an eye sore to fans in the 21st Century, and for good reason. It doesn’t exactly seem necessary for Disney, dubbed “The Happiest Place on Earth,” to include a jolly scene of human trafficking in the story of a children’s ride.
Disneyland will be shutting down Pirates of the Caribbean beginning on April 23 in order to update the scene. Instead of the bride auction, the red-headed woman that is currently on the auction block will now be a female pirate who is overseeing the auction of local loot.

Rides closing for maintenance in the off-season is not uncommon at any of Disney’s parks, but this one is a little later than usual. The second half of April starts to cut into the late spring/early summer season, which makes it seem as though this change has become a priority for the park. Understandably so, given the amount of backlash it has received recently.
Certain reports have indicated that the ride is aiming to be reopened on June 7, but there has been no official announcement to this point.
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