'Titans' Teagan Croft Confirms Evolution of Raven's Costume to Be Closer to Comics

Teagen Croft is the actress who plays Rachel Roth, the live-action version of the fan-favorite DC [...]

Teagen Croft is the actress who plays Rachel Roth, the live-action version of the fan-favorite DC Comics character Raven in the DC Universe series Titans.

ComicBook.com caught up with Croft at the world premiere of Titans at New York Comic Con and asked her what it was like playing the longtime staple of the Teen Titans family.

"It's been really interesting because she's so lost and so helpless and I feel like a lot of teenagers and people can relate to that, as in they don't really know who they are, they don't know what's happening," Croft says. "But at the same time, she's also so dark and deep and evil. She's got this evil side to her which was fun to play because I'm not like that in real life...It was like being somebody different for nine months, which was fun."

A part of Raven's popularity with fans is the mysterious-looking hooded costume designed originally by co-creator George Perez. Croft couldn't confirm that the costume will appear in Titans, but did offer some hints about Raven's visual evolution.

"Well, I can't say too much, unfortunately," Croft said. "But she does have the classic hood and as the series progresses she goes from kind of a stylized version to the costume to getting closer to the comic book version of the costume."

Croft also touched on the relationship between Raven and Robin.

"It's a father-daughter relationship between Dick Grayson and Rachel," she said. "He's really teaching her everything. It's paralleling to Batman and Robin, how Batman took him when he was lost and now he's doing the same thing and he's trying to not make the mistakes he felt that Batman made. He's trying to make her control and understand her darkness rather than hide it and then let is show."

She teased that the darkness within Raven may be more than it seems at first.

"At first it seems its just trying to protect Rachel because it feels like her darkness is getting stronger, but as the series progresses we find out there might be something causing her darkness to get stronger," she hinted.

Finally, she touched on the surprising level of violence in the series and what it is like to film those kinds of action scenes.

"It's interesting because you do some weird stuff on set to make that come to life," she said. "Some of its CGI, but some of it is just him having stuff in his mouth. It's kind of weird because half of it is weird and half of it is like movie magic. It's fun to film and its also fun to see the difference when you watch it."

Are you excited for Titans? Let us know in the comments!

Titans premieres October 12th on DC Universe.