Joe Russo Says Fake Footage Wasn't Purposefully Shot for Avengers: Endgame

Even though Marvel trailers are often chock full of footage that doesn't make it into the final [...]

Even though Marvel trailers are often chock full of footage that doesn't make it into the final cut of the film, Avengers: Endgame co-director Joe Russo tells us that none of the footage is purposefully shot to fake-out cast or crew. If the crew shoots something, they plan on using it either for the movie or use in the film's promotional marketing leading up to release.

"It is not footage that is shot purposefully for being fake footage," Russo told us during An Evening with Joe Russo. "If it's something that works for a trailer, we'll do it for a trailer but we're not, you know...Ruffalo talking about shooting five endings, we don't have enough energy to shoot one ending!"

"We're crawling to the finish line just to shoot one ending," the filmmaker continues. "Anything we do or alter in trailers is done with VFX or with footage that was shot for expressly that."

The subject rose to prominence after the initial Avengers: Infinity War trailer last year featured a final shot of the Avengers — including the Hulk — charging towards the camera at an off-screen threat. After seeing Infinity War, fans were quick to point out that shot never made it into the movie. Not only that, but the Hulk never sat foot in Wakanda, for that matter as he only appeared in the very first scene.

On the press tour ahead of Endgame, the Russos had a bit of fun with the situation, with Anthony Russo joking that the entire portfolio Endgame promo material was fake.

"Maybe. Maybe it's all fake," Anthony joked. "Maybe there's not a real frame in that whole trailer."

Captain Marvel and Avengers: Endgame are now in theaters and will be followed up Spider-Man: Far From Home on July 2nd.

Which footage from the trailers did you end up noticing altered in the final cut of the film? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below or by hitting me up on Twitter at @AdamBarnhardt!


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