Free Devil May Cry 5 Update Provides Nero With Banana Hands

Fans were sad to hear that development on Devil May Cry 5 is officially finished, but that doesn't [...]

Fans were sad to hear that development on Devil May Cry 5 is officially finished, but that doesn't mean there isn't content that is unreleased at this point. Sure, there is a ton of stuff that players want to see implemented in the recent installment in the franchise, but the outlook is bleak. That said, a free update has arrived for players to enjoy, and while it may be something small, it is certainly ridiculous and rather humorous. Thanks to the new Monkey Business DLC, Nero has a new Devil Breaker that happens to look like a bunch of bananas.

Monkey Business is the appropriately named DLC that is completely free to all Devil May Cry 5 players. As stated above, it give Nero a new Devil Breaker to try out. Unfortunately, it isn't exactly effective, but it sure is good for a laugh. "A Devil Breaker that looks like a bunch of bananas," the description reads. "Created by Nico on a whim from leftover Helter Skelter parts. The big, bendy, revolving bananas are amusing, but not particularly useful in battle. It can't be found inside the motorhome, but will appear occasionally on stages."

It is worth noting that this Devil Breaker cannot be used in the Bloody Palace. Depending on how you look at it, that's either a good or a bad thing. Either way, a new ridiculous weapon is available in Devil May Cry 5, and fans are probably more than okay with that.

Devil May Cry 5 is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. For more on the game, here is a snippet from our official review:

"With no spoilers, the story is also one of the better ones seen in the franchise to date. The pacing is intense so that even those that aren't necessarily fans of the traditional style of combat won't be left behind. The familiar nods to previous games is also apparent throughout the title's progression and the heavy metal soundtrack only adds to the pure glory that Devil May Cry 5 brings to the table.

"Overall, the latest entry is one of the best games yet from the series. It has the music, the cinematic drama, the addictive combat, the personal flair, and characters that you will just genuinely love. It's safe to say that Devil May Cry 5 definitely delivers on its promise to be loyal to fans while still providing an entirely new experience at the same time."

What do you think about this? Ready to take on some enemies with bananas in Devil May Cry 5? Sound off in the comment section below, or feel free to hit me up over on Twitter @anarkE7!


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