Netflix Introduces Option to Turn Off Autoplay Previews

Of all the complaints people have about Netflix, the most common of the bunch is undoubtedly the [...]

Of all the complaints people have about Netflix, the most common of the bunch is undoubtedly the various autoplay features on the site. Any time you turn on Netflix, you're met with a giant trailer for its new featured project having never asked to see it. The same thing happens when you finish a movie or TV series. Autoplaying trailers on Netflix have been inescapable and it has been a point of frustration to loads of users. Well, it looks like Netflix is finally listening to its subscribers, now offering the option to turn off the autoplay features altogether.

In response to yet another complaint about the frequency of autoplay ads on Netflix, the streamer's Twitter account told its fans around the world that the autoplay is now able to be toggled. This could be a game-changer for the users that have been aggravated by Netflix's ads for any period of time.

"Some people find this feature helpful. Others not so much," reads the tweet from Netflix. "We've heard the feedback loud and clear - members can now control whether or not they see autoplay previews on Netflix."

Along with the announcement, Netflix shared a link to a help article that explains how to turn off both the preview and next episode autoplay, and it's a pretty easy process to follow.

If you login to your Netflix account, click on the drop-down menu in the top-right corner of the home page (make sure you're on a browser and not in the mobile app). Click on the "Manage Profiles" option from that menu and it'll bring up all of the different profiles associated with your account. Choose the profile you want to edit and you'll be given the choice to turn off autoplay. One of the two options lets you toggle the preview autoplay, while the other lets you toggle the next episode autoplay feature.