Cells at Work!, the popular anime series that adapts the manga of the same name which anthropomorphizes human blood and germs, is officially getting an English-language dub later this year, and the voice cast has now been announced. Perhaps even better? There’s also going to be an English-language version of the opening song.
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Aniplex of America revealed the English-language dub cast during its panel at Anime Central yesterday. The announcement came as part of the reveal that the Blu-ray boxed set of the anime would arrive on August 27th. It’ll reportedly include the 13-episode series and five shorts.
The English voice cast includes Cherami Leigh as Red Blood Cell, Billy Kametz as White Blood Cell, Robbie Daymond as Killer T Cell, Laura Post as Macrophage, Xanthe Huynh as Platelet, Ray Chase as Helper T Cell, Erica Mendez as Regulatory T Cell, Griffin Burns as Dendritic Cell, Erik Kimerer as B Cell, Morgan Berry as NK Cell, and Kayli Mills as Eosinophil.
The new English opening song, “Mission! Health Comes First”, is performed by Leigh, Kametz, Daymond, and Post as their individual characters, respectively.mi Leigh), White Blood Cell (Billy Kametz), Killer T Cell (Robbie Daymond), and Macrophage (Laura Post). You can listen to the new opening as part of the promotional video announcing the dub cast above.
For those not familiar, Cells at Work! was first created by Akane Shimizu for Kodansha’s Monthly Shonen Sirius magazine in March 2015. The series has already gained much notoriety in such a short time for its anthropomorphic take on the human body and its inner workings. The anime adaptation of the series was produced by David Production and ran for 13 — now 14 with the special — episodes, concluding late last year.
[H/T Anime News Network]