There are a lot of spectacular animated scenes that have taken place in the Dragon Ball franchise. From Goku’s battle against Majin Vegeta during the Buu Saga to Gohan’s final Kamehameha against the monstrous Cell, Akira Toriyama’s long running franchise always finds a way to pull out the stops when it comes to creating flashy scenes for some of its biggest encounters. Recently, in an interview with the publication of AnimeLand, long time character designer and animator for the franchise, Tadayoshi Yamamuro, explained what the hardest scene for him to animate was during his time with the popular series.
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AnimeLand chatted with Yamamuro as he explained that Janemba from the twelfth film of the Dragon Ball Z franchise, Fusion Reborn, was the most difficult character to animate as his teleporting skill created an effect that had not been seen in the series before and broke down the villain into what was essentially cubes that dispersed then reassembled!
Janemba may have only appeared during this film, but he continues to pop up in Dragon Ball related material as time goes on, recently making an appearance in the DLC material for the popular fighting game of Dragon Ball Fighterz. In the game, Janemba’s teleporting skills and power were put on full display as the fiendish demon made his return to the franchise.
The powerful demon’s chance of joining the Dragon Ball series proper may be better than ever as Broly recently lead the way for characters that were popular but outside continuity to make their way into the ongoing story. Broly had originally appeared in the eighth, tenth, and eleventh feature length films of Dragon Ball Z but made his return thanks to the Dragon Ball Super series and the third film of the series, Dragon Ball Super: Broly.
What do you think of the most difficult to animate scene from Dragon Ball Z? Would you like to see Janemba return to the franchise proper at some point? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and Dragon Ball!
The Japanese-language and English dub releases of Dragon Ball Super are now complete and available to stream with FunimationNOW and Crunchyroll. Viz Media is releasing new chapters of the manga at a monthly rate that can be read entirely for free through the Shonen Jump digital library, and Dragon Ball Super‘s big movie, Dragon Ball Super: Broly, is now available on Blu-ray and DVD. Fans in Japan are also able to enjoy fresh non-canon adventures from the franchises with new episodes of Super Dragon Ball Heroes‘ promotional anime series.