When it comes to Attack on Titan, the anime has run a tight ship with its fourth season. The series made its return at the end of 2020, and its first episode of the new year put fans on edge. Now, a new episode synopsis is only pushing the feeling forward, and that is because it promises an assassination is on the way.
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The whole thing began when a synopsis surfaced for episode eight of this new season. Attack on Titan fans perked when the fan-page Spytrue on Twitter shared the episode’s blurb with them. It was there they discovered an assassin is coming for the Survey Corps, and they know Gabi will be the one wielding the gun.
The synopsis reads as follows if you’d like to see it for yourself. “A Titan appears as if in response to the cries of help. Gabi takes her gun and runs off alone,” the blurb describes. As you can see, two major events will pop off in this episode, and its title “Assassin’s Bullet” will act as a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts.
If this synopsis is right, then it seems like Gabi will be the person setting off the assassination. It isn’t like Attack on Titan to mention a gun in a synopsis and then leave it dangling. Gabi has shown herself to be a headstrong warrior with a sharp mind for strategy. If she can get a bullet into one of her enemies, she will do so, and it just so happens her foes are about to be the Survey Corps. After all, Eren did declare war against Marley with the anime’s latest episode, and so the battle for victory is on. And if one of Eren’s friends dies because of his actions, well – that will be hard to swallow.
What do you think about this new Attack on Titan synopsis? Who do you think will be on the bullet’s receiving end? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.