Netflix's Avatar: The Last Airbender Leads Break Silence on Casting

Avatar: The Last Airbender is back in the headlines today, and it is all thanks to Netflix. If you [...]

Avatar: The Last Airbender is back in the headlines today, and it is all thanks to Netflix. If you did not know, the series was pushed into the spotlight today when the streaming company revealed its cast of the live-action series. Now, fans are combing through the cast to see how these leads stack up, and the stars are now commenting on the big update.

The first message comes from Gordon Cormier, the young Canadian actor who has been cast as Aang. As you can imagine, the role is a massive one to shoulder, but the child actor is ready to tackle everything the Avatar Universe throws at him.

"Wow! I'm so honored to be cast as the legendary Aang in Netflix's live-action adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender! Yip yip! Meet my new friends [Kiawentiio, Ian Ousley, and Dallas Liu!] It's going to be a crazy ride," Cormier wrote over on Instagram today.

Of course, this message was joined by others from the cast. Ian Ousley, the actor tapped to play Sokka, told followers he would channel the Water Tribe warrior as he celebrated today. "I can NOT believe it but I've been cast as Sokka!! In [Netflix] live-action adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender! So I'm gonna be checked out for the rest of the day. just CHILLIN and sipping my cactus juice. (it's the quenchiest)," he wrote.

Ousley's on-screen sister took time to greet fans over on Instagram as well. The actress Kiawentiio posted a candid photoshoot to share her excitement with fans. "It's official!! I'm excited to share that I've been cast as Katara in Netflix's live-action adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender!! I know you all have been waiting, thank you for all the love," she wrote.

And of course, the actor behind Zuko had to comment. Dallas Diu hit up Instagram with his own note by simply writing, "Welcome to the party." Fans are glad to join the celebration, but they are not quite sure what to expect. Netflix is being quiet about the adaptation for now, but netizens can expect information to go live before long. Yip yip!

What do you think about this Avatar: The Last Airbender cast? Are you excited to see Netflix's take on this hit series? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.