Black Clover Is Rumored to Continue Well Through 2021

Black Clover has come a long way since its very first episode aired. The show was once considered [...]

Black Clover has come a long way since its very first episode aired. The show was once considered embattled by fans, but it has since become one of the top-performing anime in Japan. Still, that has not stopped fans from fretting over the show's eventual end, but a new rumor suggests Black Clover has plenty more time to left.

The report comes from Twitter from user Spytrue, a well-known insider when it comes to anime leaks. The account has been teasing fans about the future of Black Clover this past week, and some took the coverage as a warning about the end. However, a new post has informed fans they "still have 2021 to enjoy Black Clover."

As you can imagine, this news comes as a relief to many. Black Clover has been catching up with its manga at an alarming pace, and the anime was forced to tackle a filler arc to give it some wiggle room. The arc has been met with positive reviews from fans with its most recent episode being praised for its quality animation. So if Black Clover can pull off a successful filler arc, then the show will be unburdened by the manga a fair bit.

For now, there is no telling how long Black Clover will run, so fans are enjoying every bit of it they can. The show has become a favorite with millions, and its magical character roster seems to become richer by the week. All of this is a good sign for Asta, so we're keeping our fingers crossed that things stay golden for the Black Bull recruit.

What do you think about this new Black Clover rumor? Do you believe it is true or...? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.