Black Jack Revival Sparks Controversy Over AI Involvement

There are few things more controversial than artificial intelligence these days. From employment fears to high-tech queries, AI is prompting debates all over the place. Creative industries have not been spared this argument as artists are concerned about AI poaching their art with no credit. So of course, the manga fandom rose up when reports confirmed AI was helping revive Black Jack for a spell.

The update came straight from Japan this week as Tezuka Productions confirmed Black Jack was making a comeback. The hit series, which Osamu Tezuka made in the 1970s, is on the cusp of its 50th anniversary. To celebrate, the artist's agency has announced plans to release a new Black Jack short, and it will be done using AI.

According to the manga announcement, the Black Jack update will be created with the use of ChatGPT, a popular yet controversial AI tool. The short will be released in Fall 2023 through Weekly Shonen Champion as a way to celebrate Black Jack's anniversary. Of course, the AI-driven revival has the full support of Tezuka Productions, but fans aren't falling in line.

After all, AI and artistry have not seen eye to eye since the former came to light. Everyone from writers to artists have critiqued AI for stealing all kinds of intellectual property in a bid to educate itself. By copying so many writing and art styles, AI is not only consuming content without permission but using it to regurgitate new works that threaten the livelihood of artists. From video game devs to voice actors, the entertainment industry is at war with AI, and many fans have sided against the tech as well. So of course, the fact that Black Jack will be revived using ChatGPT has upset a number of fans online.

If you want to check out Black Jack in all its non-AI glory, you can read Tezuka's suspenseful series right now. Vertical Inc. handles the story's publication in the United States, so you can find copies of the manga online. So for more details, you can read the official synopsis of Black Jack below:

"Black Jack is a mysterious and charismatic young genius surgeon who travels the world performing amazing and impossible medical feats. Though a trained physician, he refuses to accept a medical license due to his hatred and mistrust of the medical community's hypocrisy and corruption. This leads Black Jack to occasional run-ins with the authorities, as well as from gangsters and criminals who approach him for illegal operations. Black Jack charges exorbitant fees for his services, the proceeds from which he uses to fund environmental projects and to aid victims of crime and corrupt capitalists. But because Black Jack keeps his true motives secret, his ethics are perceived as questionable and he is considered a selfish, uncaring devil."

What do you think about this latest AI debacle involving manga? Is this move a good or bad look for Black Jack? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.