This year, Cowboy Bebop is looking to celebrate its 25th anniversary, with the original manga arriving in 1997 and the anime adaptation arriving the following year in 1998. With an exhibit opening up in Japan that brings anime fans back to the world of Spike Spiegel and his fellow crew members of the Bebop, Crunchyroll has announced that it will be bringing a new exhibit to this year’s Comic-Con International in San Diego. While there’s no new anime sequel or spin-off on the horizon, Cowboy Bebop remains a gold standard in the anime world.
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Cowboy Bebop was most recently in the news thanks to the Netflix live-action adaptation, which was unable to gain enough footing to be renewed for a second season. Despite this fact, the streaming service has been full steam ahead when it comes to creating other live-action anime adaptations. This summer, we’ll see the release of the One Piece live-action series, with Netflix also working on projects that will bring Avatar: The Last Airbender, Mobile Suit Gundam, and Yu Yu Hakusho to life as well.
Hop Aboard The Bebop
Here’s how Crunchyroll announced the 25th anniversary event for Cowboy Bebop coming to this year’s Comic-Con, “In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the iconic anime Cowboy Bebop, a gallery of commissioned art was created to capture the essence of the series’ iconic characters, settings, and themes through the unique style and interpretation of the artists, including JJ Harrison, Utomaru, La Boca, Tom Whalen, Murugiah, Sachin Teng, and more. The creator of these pieces has allowed creators, who are also fans of the series, to express their appreciation for the series and contribute to the vast and diverse range of artistic interpretations of this beloved anime. This gallery is presented in partnership with Crunchyroll and Mondo.”
The Comic-Con Museum will open its doors next month as part of the convention from Tuesday, July 18th to Sunday, July 23rd, from 10AM to 5PM each day. Tickets are available at the official Comic-Con Museum Website or at the door. Aside from this exhibit, San Diego Comic-Con will have a number of guests and events highlighting the anime world.
What do you think of this Cowboy Bebop event making its way to North America? What other anime exhibit do you want to see hit the West? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Bebop.