Since debuting last year with its popular anime series, Demon Slayer has found its way into the real world in a number of ways, but Tanjiro has seemingly found his way into a school thanks to a classroom’s math test! Tanjiro, for those who may not know, is a demon slayer who is attempting to take down as many demons as he can, save the lives of as many people as he can, as well as save the life of his sister Nezuko who is currently infected with demon blood. Now, Tanjiro is helping students learn the world of mathematics!
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Demon Slayer easily became the biggest anime series debuting last year, with the manga doing the impossible and overtaking Eiichiro Oda’s pirate epic story of One Piece in terms of overall sales. While a second season hasn’t been confirmed as of yet, a feature length film will be arriving this year that sees Tanjiro, Nezuok, and their friends Zenitsu and Inosuke hopping aboard a train to fight brand new demons that threaten humanity. With the popularity of the series, we’re sure to see season two confirmed sooner or later this year, if not more announcements of future feature length films!
Reddit User Garbage_Sinner shared their math test that incorporated a problem that referenced Tanjiro directly, with the teacher also drawing a picture of the Demon Slayer protagonist on the paper itself from the most popular anime series of 2019:
Math hasn’t had a big role to play in Demon Slayer so far, though physics have certainly had a part to play in Tanjiro’s role as a demon killer. When the young swordsman is trying to find the best point of attack, he’ll see a line that leads him in the right direction to deliver a final blow to whatever demon may be in his path. This technique has helped him out numerous times in his supernatural battles and will sure to be employed many more times as he travels around the world looking for a cure for his sister.
What do you think of this hilarious Demon Slayer reference on a student’s math test? What other anime have you seen in the classroom? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and demon slaying!