Digimon Adventure has hit the ground floor running with the rebooted series that once again walks us through the lives of the Digi-Destined, a group of children that form bonds with digital monsters in a bid to save both the real world and the digital one, and fans are still hyped for the series with each episode released! In the latest episode of Digimon, the Digi-Destined were swarmed by some digital monsters of the insect variety but were able to come together once again to win the day.
Videos by ComicBook.com
Though Digimon Adventure was originally delayed following a few episodes being released as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the series has been released episodes of the anime again and following these new adventures of old favorites.
What do you think of Digimon Adventures so far? Do you feel it blows away the original series in terms of animation and story? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and digital monsters!
Digimon Is Killing It
Commentfrom discussion Digimon Adventure: – Episode 14 discussion.
Unexpected Events
Commentfrom discussion Digimon Adventure: – Episode 14 discussion.
The Anticipation Is Rising
Commentfrom discussion Digimon Adventure: – Episode 14 discussion.
Great Animation
Naoki Tate animated some great work on tonight’s Digimon.
— Ajay (@AnimeAjay) September 6, 2020
He supervised the second half and did a lot of KA throughout, so this isn’t super complex, but it’s v nice all the same.
Shinozuka and Nagata returned too! Lotta small but nice cuts in part A. Best ep in a while! pic.twitter.com/feT3VFxKIk
Best Ultimate Evolution
*Digimon Adventure 2020 ep 14*
— AAADATTERY (@aaadattery) September 6, 2020
This episode was soild and I would go as far to say that this was the best handle ultimate evolution so far. The last few episodes, beside for evolution sequencs the anime felt a little static, but this episode brought that constantly back. (1/4) pic.twitter.com/82oJDXKxIZ
It’s Making Fans Happy
Digimon was the anime I watched when I didn’t even know I was watching anime and it’s always been a part of my childhood just seeing this makes me happy (Digimon 2020) pic.twitter.com/Tnv28c7UwG
— Al c: (@ForgottenKeys_) September 6, 2020
It’s The Best
Digimon Adventure: (2020) is the best anime this season.
— Wes Chan (@theweschan) September 11, 2020