
Dragon Ball Daima Teases Just How Big the Demon Realm Really Is

Dragon Ball Daima’s revealing just how big (and complicated) the Demon Realm really is

Toei Animation

Dragon Ball Daima has finally set its first steps into the Demon Realm, and the newest episode of the series teases just how big of a place the Demon Realm is actually going to be as Goku and the Supreme Kai start their new adventure. Dragon Ball Daima has been spending the first few episodes of its new anime getting fans reacquainted with Goku and his friends after all this time, and each of them has suddenly been turned back into children thanks to Supreme Demon King Gomah making a wish on the Dragon Balls. And after taking a Baby Dende hostage, Goku and the Supreme Kai have gone to this new realm.

Dragon Ball has previously teased demons and the Demon Realm in the franchise’s past, but has never fully gone into this new area as like we’re seeing now in Dragon Ball Daima. With this new exploration of the Demon Realm, fans are also being introduced to a realm that’s been broken up into different worlds and likely a class system as they are all being separated from one another. With three worlds within it, this realm is also a lot more complicated than Goku and the others might expect.

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Toei Animation

There are Three Demon Worlds

Dragon Ball Daima continues to flesh out how the Demon Realm works as while the premiere episode revealed how Gomah and Degesu were able to warp to the outside world, it’s further explained in the newest episode that to actually travel to the outside world one needs multiple permissions. You need a passcode and to enter a gate from a certain point, and can only travel to the places that you have been given permission to from someone higher up in the hierarchy. It’s then complicated further with three main worlds introduced.

It’s revealed that there are three main worlds within the Demon Realm, and they are being kept isolated from one another outside of the few who have the permission (and spaceship) to travel between them. The need for permission seems to be a newer addition as the Supreme Kai is completely taken by surprise by the need to have a passcode to enter, and the fact that they just can’t so straight to the First Demon World where Gomah is. Instead, they need to work their way there through the Third Demon World. For some reason, the three worlds within the Demon Realm are more separated than they had been in the past. Likely because of something that had gone down before.

Toei Animation

Why Are the Demon Worlds Kept Separated?

Each of the Demon Worlds has yet to be fully revealed, but it’s clear that the Third Demon World is much different than the other two. The Supreme Kai’s race, the Glind, are teased to have belonged to the Second Demon World and apparently are very high on themselves. This stuck up attitude seems to reflect the fact that they are in the Second Demon World, and likely further emphasizes a class divide that comes from each of these worlds being kept so apart from one another.

There’s an active being keeping the worlds separated too as teased through the mysterious Demon Tunnel. It’s a path that one could follow to get through to the First and Second Demon Worlds, and the Supreme Kai explains that demons used to be able to freely travel between them. But by the time of his youth, a shield of light had been placed over the pathway to keep demons from using it. It means only the Warp gates (and their permissions) can be used to travel between the worlds, so a past Demon King likely made this decision.

As fans get to learn more about the Demon Kings of the past, we’ll get to see more about how the Demon Realm got to its current state. It’s been sectioned off for a reason, and maybe Goku will help to figure out why.