Dragon Ball Brings Goku to Dragon Quest in This Perfect Mash-Up

Dragon Ball is in the limelight once again thanks to its new movie, and of course, Goku is bringing fans to the big screen worldwide. While Gohan and Piccolo take on a new mission, fans are living for the anime's comeback as the industry continues to expand its reach. And now, one artist is hyping this Dragon Ball renaissance with a special Dragon Quest crossover.

As you can see below, artist shinsokunotaka hit up fans on Twitter with a special piece of art. They decided it was time to bring Dragon Ball and Dragon Quest as one given their resurgences over the last decade. And of course, Goku slips into the mash-up with ease.

The crossover plays off Dragon Quest 5 to be specific as fans will recognize this updated poster. Bardock and Goku have been slipped into the game's iconic poster and taken up the mantle of two favorite Dragon Quest heroes. Honestly, the mash-up looks so seamless that you might not have realized anything was different here, and that is all thanks to Akira Toriyama.

And why might that be? Well, Toriyama is both the creator of Dragon Ball and the main designer for the Dragon Quest franchise. This means the IPs have very similar art styles from background scenery to fight choreography and even character designs. When you look at Dragon Quest artwork, it is hard to ignore how similar it is to Dragon Ball, and that is all on Toriyama's vision. After all, the mangaka did begin work on Dragon Quest years after his style rose to fame in Dr. Slump and then Dragon Ball. So if these three IPs want to do an actual crossover soon, we're sure fans would to see what comes from it.

What do you make of this special little crossover? Does Dragon Quest need to bring in Goku for an actual collab? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.