Dragon Ball Super made an unexpected, risky decision when the Shonen sequel decided to put Goku and Vegeta on the back burner with both the recent feature-length film, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, and the current manga arc that just come to a close. With Black Frieza’s arrival bringing the Granolah The Survivor Arc to a close, Goku is looking to achieve a new level of power as the tiny alien despot was able to bring him down with one strike. However, his recent defeat hasn’t stopped cosplayers from giving the Saiyan fighter new looks.
Videos by ComicBook.com
When last we saw Goku in action, he had achieved yet another level of Ultra Instinct during his fight against the Heeter known as Gas, managing to find a transformation that combined the technique with his additional understanding of his father Bardock’s past. Learning to rely on his emotions in the ultimate form that previously acted mostly on instinct, Goku was still unable to ultimately defeat Gas by himself thanks to his becoming the new strongest being in the universe. Luckily, the Z-Fighter was able to rely on a massive assist from both Vegeta and Granolah to help in defeating the Heeters, that is before Frieza made his presence known.
Goku’s Radical Makeover
Instagram Cosplayer Che Heaven took the opportunity to give Dragon Ball’s Goku a new makeover, with the manga set to re-tell the story of Super Hero which didn’t see the Z-Fighter front and center, but saw the film pit Son against his eternal rival, the prince of all Saiyans Vegeta:
With the manga set to retell the story of Super Hero, it might be some time before we see Goku finally test his strength against Black Frieza once again, though there are still plenty of Dragon Ball fans looking forward to seeing Gohan Beast and Orange Piccolo make their manga debut. As fans wait on word of Dragon Ball Super’s return for its anime television series, it’s most assured that Goku is continuing his training behind-the-scenes to take down his next powerful opponent.
What do you think of this new take on the long-running Shonen hero? Do you think Goku will hit a level of power to take down Frieza’s new form? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Z-Fighters.