
Dragon Ball Super Shows Off Chiaotzu’s Savage Side

Dragon Ball likes to give the spotlight to Goku, but the series’ most recent chapter showed off a […]

Dragon Ball likes to give the spotlight to Goku, but the series’ most recent chapter showed off a savage side of Chiaotzu to fans. The surprising reveal came in chapter 57 while the martial artist teamed up with Tien to fight a Universe 6 copycat. When the pair were forced to fight an all-metal villain, it was Chiaotzu who figured out how to beat the baddie and followed through on a literal execution.

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If you got through half of the latest chapter, you will know what part we are talking about. Chiaotzu and Tien are plenty surprised by how invulnerable their new opponent is. The baddie, who is named Bikkura, is made entirely from metal and feels no pain from physical blows. This catches Tien off guard, but Chiaotzu figures out the guy’s only weakness is to be insulted.

In a stunning turn, Tien is not able to summon up an decent insults as he calls the metal man a “half-ton tubby” at worst. The fighter has clearly lost his edge over the years, but Chiaotzu has not let his skills go to waste. The tiny hero rips into Bikkura, and Tien is stunned by the savage tactic.

“Hey, Octopus! Does the truth hurt? Then give me your best shot,” Chiaotzu says.

As for the insult that takes Bikkura down? All Chiaotzu had to do was call the man a “half-witted hunk of scrap metal.” Not only does it make the enemy overheat in rage, but it ends with Bikkura crying on the ground. Chiaotzu event takes things further by telling Tien he sucks at insulting people, so it seems the once demure hero has grown a spine since his Z-Fighters days.

Of course, the little aside was fun for fans to see, but it will not mean much once Moro comes along. The villain is in an entirely different league from Bikkura, and everyone knows it. Moro is the kind of villain that would make even Freeza pause, and he’s proven he can take down Goku and Vegeta. The only hope Earth has left are the Saiyans, and both of them have been off-world training to defeat the mage. And if Vegeta has been particularly lucky, he will show up Goku for once with his big comeback.

Were you surprised to see Tien’s friend go off this hard? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB to talk all things comics and anime!