The Dragon Ball franchise has inspired countless remakes, fan projects, and parodies over the years as fans have found new and creative ways to tell the older stories in a fun way.
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The latest, and potentially funniest, parody of late is this video by Mega64 that takes the entire Cell saga and condenses it down to a hilarious “five” minutes.
Mega64, who are no strangers to popular parody videos on YouTube, has shared this “sweded” take on Dragon Ball Z. “Sweded” takes on popular films, tv shows, and anime allow fans to twist the high-budget nature of these projects and spin them in a hilariously low-budget way.
You can see in this video that the group has managed to capture the look of each character while retaining its low budget costume design, resulting in such creative spins like using a basketball to represent Imperfect Cell’s strange mouths, walking on knees to show off the Cell Jr.’s shorter statures, and a good way of representing the final Father-Son Kamehameha at the end of the saga.
The commitment to the bit is strong in this short, and it’s quite endearing to relive such a famous saga in this way. You can watch their take on the Freeza saga here at this link as well. Dragon Ball Super currently airs its English dub on Adult Swim during the Toonami programming block Saturday evenings at 9:30 p.m. It is also available to stream on Funimation and Amazon Video. The Japanese language release of the series is complete, and available to stream on Funimation, VRV, and Crunchyroll.
If you want to catch up with the English dub, the first 52 episodes of Dragon Ball Super are now available to stream on FunimationNOW, VRV, and available to purchase on Amazon Video as well. The 52 episodes span the full range of what has aired in the North America and covers the “Battle of Gods” arc, “Revival of F” arc, the “Universe 6” arc, and bringing the series right up to the current TV airings of the “Future Trunks” arc.
The first Dragon Ball Super film is set to release this December in Japan, and it has just released its first trailer. The film will focus on the Saiyans, the “origins of Goku‘s power,” and potentially the story of the very first Super Saiyan. Not only does it aim to be the best film in the series, original creator Akira Toriyama will be contributing to the film’s script and character designs. Fans will get their first look at the new film during the Dragon Ball North America Tour, as well.