Family Guy kicked off with a bang a little over 25 years ago, and its first season really had some of the best episodes to start any animated series. Family Guy was a very special case for Fox. Getting a special post-Super Bowl time slot for its initial premiere, the Seth McFarlane animated series seemed to be totally different from any of the other animated sitcoms at the time. Because while the series might have been inspired by The Simpsons in some ways, it was more inspired by classic 80s television and movies instead. The first season wore all these influences right on its sleeve too.
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Family Guy’s first season was the shortest in the animated series, and introduced fans to Peter Griffin, a father who might be a little slower in some areas but ultimately was working hard to make his family happy. What made Peter different early on, however, was how extreme he’d take some ideas, and it’s also what made fans fall in love with the series for years to come. But while the first season was short, there are still some great episodes of television to watch.

The Son Also Draws, Season 1 Episode 6
“The Son Also Draws” is one of the episodes that doesn’t age as gracefully as some of the others, but that’s also what adds to its charms. This was the first episode that truly introduced fans to Peter’s son, Chris, as Peter was trying to get his son to live a life that he would like to see. But what Chris wants to do instead is focus on his art, and he and Peter end up going on a sudden vision quest through the woods to make a deeper connection. It’s probably the worst aged on this list for its final string of gags, but still one that’s fun to revisit.

Chitty Chitty Death Bang, Season 1 Episode 3
“Chitty Chitty Death Bang” really made its mark by having such a dark episode so early on. This one started out small as Peter wasn’t able to book a Chuck-e-Cheese like restaurant for Stewie’s birthday like Lois wanted, and soon dovetailed into a story where Peter ends up unknowingly saving Meg from dying with a cult. This episode has some of the most memorable sight gags of the first season (like the “big ass piรฑata”), but also has Stewie outright killing a cult leader. When looking back on when this was released, it’s got so many wild ideas that it’s wild to imagine that it was able to exist in the first place.

Mind Over Murder, Season 1 Episode 4
“Mind Over Murder” holds the distinct honor of being the first time that time travel was used in a Family Guy episode, and would be far from the last. Each of the episodes in the first season had shared some focus in between each of the members of the Griffin Family, and its Lois story was able to explore more of the kind of character we would see her turn into years later. Peter opening a bar in his basement isn’t the most unique premise among its animated counterparts, but the result of it was.
Not only do fans get a fitting resolution between Peter and Lois that shows the strength of their marriage, but then it’s hilariously rewritten through time travel. It goes to show the kind of unique ways that the series would find to return to the status quo, and only a small fraction of what’s to come in later years.
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Death Has a Shadow, Season 1 Episode 1
Family Guy has as close to a perfect series premiere as you can get. It’s so perfect, in fact, that Family Guy would revisit it years later with “Back to the Pilot” and still find fun new ways to highlight its jokes. Jokes fly at a rapid pace, and there’s so much comedy packed within these first 22 minutes that there’s bound to be something that hooks you immediately. Peter goes on welfare, the Kool-Aid man shows up, and it has a strong comedic voice of its own right away.
It showcases how different of a character Peter is going to be compared to Homer Simpson, and that he’s willing to do some shadier things without really taking a second to think about the potential consequences. Naturally, the rest of the family gets a few moments to highlight why they’re in the dynamic but ultimately this is Peter’s showcase. It’s so good that even the episode’s rougher edges don’t hold back its humor.

Brian: Portrait of a Dog, Season 1 Episode 7
But the best episode of Family Guy’s debut season is its finale. The family dog, Brian, is introduced to the series as Peter’s best friend and confidant (at least early on). He’s the voice of reason for Peter, and offers him advice as to how to handle any situation. When the two of them fight and Brian leaves the house, he soon realizes that he’s pretty much not treated the same way humans are despite his intelligence. It’s an episode that showcases that Peter and Brian are close friends regardless of the fact that Peter technically “owns” Brian (something that would come up again in “Forget-Me-Not” years later), and it’s not their human and dog bond that makes them close.
It’s the actual connection they have with one another as family, and really hammers home that the Brian in the older seasons is a far cry from the Brian in the later seasons. The ending sequence is especially emotional for the two, and it’s one of the very rare heartwarming endings Family Guy will get to have through the years. It’s the best episode of its debut season, and the start of a new era for animated sitcoms in general.
What are you favorite episodes from Family Guy Season 1? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments!