Mobile Suit Gundam‘s creator, Yoshiyuki Tomino, recently had an interview in which he discussed Hathaway’s Flash and the translation of the original novel series that he had created in the 1980s into the world of anime with its feature-length film, revealing that he holds the anime franchise of One Piece close to his heart. With the sequel film to the original universe that introduced the world to the famous Mobile Suits hitting the streaming service of Netflix, it’s clear that the world of Gundam is continuing to expand with both the first story and the number of universes that have been introduced.
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During a recent interview with Animate Times, Tomino went into detail about the creation of the animated film from Sunrise that follows a character who is being touted as the spiritual successor to both Amuro and Char, taking the opportunity to give his quick thoughts on the story of Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates:
“Still, we are working in the same studio and I saw storyboards near the photocopier. Unlike mine, those storyboards are good. But, you know, among the popular manga there is manga with very beautiful art and manga with bad art, but interesting nonetheless. And I don’t trust manga with very beautiful art unless it is One Piece.”
Yoshiyuki Tomino has been a part of the Gundam franchise for decades, similar to how Eiichiro Oda has been pumping out the stories of the Shonen Straw Hats since they first hit the scene in Weekly Shonen Jump. While there has never been a crossover between Gundam and One Piece, it definitely wouldn’t be outside of the realm of possibility considering that the Mobile Suit franchise has recently run into the world of Sanrio with Hello Kitty.
Hathaway’s Flash is the first film in a trilogy that will bring to life the light novel series that was originally written by Yoshiyuki Tomino in the 1980s, diving back into the world that started it all. Even with this story returning to the original series, there are plenty of other Gundam stories that will explore the world of the Mobile Suits across universe coming our way down the road.
What do you think of Tomino’s love of One Piece? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the worlds of Yoshiyuki Tomino and Eiichiro Oda.