The Gundam franchise has been creating anime series and plastic model figurines throughout its forty year history. With this year marking the big anniversary, numerous announcements and events have taken place to celebrate the mech suit franchise. With this article however, we’ll be exploring the little known sequel to one of the biggest animes from the series, Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. The anime, which debuted for North American viewers through Cartoon Network’s Toonami programming block, became a fast favorite and few fans know that the series continued in the novel series of New Mobile Report Gundam Wing Frozen Teardrop.
The novel series, which currently stands at thirteen volumes total ran from 2010 to 2015, written by one of the head writers of the original series, Katsuyuki Sumisawa. The series itself takes place around two decades following the end of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, with the protagonist role in the form of Kathy Po, the daughter of Sally who assisted the pilots in the original series. Kathy is essential in the series not just as a protagonist but as the soldier entrusted with “Operation Mythos”, which is a project used to bring back the original pilot Heero Yuy.
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With Yuy revived, he pilots a brand new Gundam mech suit dubbed the “Snow White” which harkens back to his original suit, albeit in complete white with a large wingspan to boot. The series takes the opportunity throughout its volumes to explore just where our favorite Gundam pilots ended up, with Duo Maxwell being of particular interest as he has seemingly taken up the cloth, referring to himself as “Father Maxwell” and giving his original name to his son.
Operation Mythos, as its called, is essentially a plan to resolve the conflict between the United Earth Sphere Alliance and Mars. With Heero taking the role of the Winter Soldier from Captain America, the novel series manages to traverse a lot of new ground for fans looking to see what happens to their favorite protagonists from the Gundam Wing series.
Have you read the Frozen Teardrop novel series? Are there any other lesser known anime sequels that you know of? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and Gundam!
Mobile Suit Gundam is one of the most popular franchises in the world, and that popularity is only expected to grow as Sunrise continues to release new projects for the franchise. This includes new anime based in the original Universal Century storyline, which will next see a film trilogy based on the Hathaway’s Flash novels, a returning anime for its SD Gundam spin-offs, and even a brand new live-action movie coming to the West co-produced by Legendary, a studio who is currently in the midst of bringing a new take on Toho’s Godzilla franchise to the screen.