
Jimmy Neutron Star Says a Reboot Wouldn’t Be Surprising

It’s nearly been twenty years since Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius hit theaters and the better part of […]

It’s nearly been twenty years since Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius hit theaters and the better part of 15 since its spin-off series on Nickelodeon aired its final episode. As you know by now, it’s never too long for Hollywood to revive a long-dead property for a reboot and in the ever-expanding world of streaming video, revivals are now more possible than ever. Earlier this week, we spoke with Jimmy Neutron alumnus Rob Paulsen about his expansive career and according to the seasoned voice-acting pro, the property has as good of a chance as any to receive the reboot treatment.

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Shortly after Paulsen pulled the voice of his character Carl Wheezer out and had this writer in stitches over the phone, the actor says the show has as far of a reach as any of the other properties he’s had a pleasure of being part of. “Well, I’ve got to tell you, man. I go all over the world when we don’t have the coronavirus, and people love Carl,” Paulsen says. “They love Carl. I don’t think it would be a bad thing at all to reboot Jimmy Neutron. I think that’s one of those shows that a lot of people would love to see again. It was very good. Really smart. That wouldn’t surprise me.”

That’s when Paulsen told us he didn’t have any inside information, nor has he been contacted to reprise his role as the youngest Wheezer in any sort of continuation.

“I’ve not heard anybody mentioning anything about it,” he adds. “But that certainly is one that I think could stand a reboot, and I think would do okay. I think that it’s not too dated. I think that it would be fine. The characters I think would work fine in an updated version.”

Outside of Jimmy Neutron, Paulsen also says he particularly enjoyed his role in Biker Mice From Mars and would enjoy seeing that reimagined for the modern age. The series about crime-fighting mice ended up running in syndication for three seasons for a total of 65 episodes in the early 1990s. “That was a pretty cool action-adventure show with some cool music. A lot of humor,” Paulsen concludes. “There have been rumors about maybe that being rebooted, with a whole bunch of different characters.”

The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius is now streaming on Hulu.