Junji Ito is set to have a big year in 2021, with the arrival of the anime adaption of his horrific tale, Uzumaki, on Adult Swim’s programming block of Toonami, but his wife has recently made the news with art of her own that imagines the Addams Family with a far more feline persuasion! Ito himself has worn his love of felines on his sleeve, having created a special manga that follows the daily adventures of his seemingly sinister cats with the book, “Junji Ito’s Cat Diary: Yon & Mu“. Needless to say, it’s no surprise to see the Ito family making fan art like this!
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The Addams Family recently made a return to the world of cinema, with an animated movie created by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures that re-imagined the creepy clan using state of the art computer-generated animation. With stars such as Oscar Isaac, Charlize Thereon, Chloe Grace Moretz, Nick Kroll, and more lending their talents into this new interpretation, the film was successful enough to get a green light for a sequel, which should be arriving into theaters this Halloween! Though details about the sequel’s story are still under lock and key, a trailer has been released that hints that the favorite freaky family is set to hit theaters once again later this year, 2021!
Twitter User Bonecrusher Jenk shared this impressive sketch that imagines the Addams Family as cats, and dogs, thanks to the talent of Junji Ito’s wife, Ayako Ishiguro, who clearly has the ability to draw stunning pieces of art like her husband:
So the artist Ayako Ishiguro, who’s married to Junji Ito, did a painting of the Addams family as cats and I need to make sure everyone sees it pic.twitter.com/YiJVqZAufE
— Sufganiyot Stevens (@BonecrusherJenk) January 11, 2021
2021 might have Uzumaki coming down the pike for Ito fans, but the live-action adaptation of another of Junji’s popular stories, Tomie, unfortunately, won’t be. With the shuddering of the streaming platform Quibi, so to was the story of the eerie succubus shelved, though we definitely could see a new series, animated or otherwise, produced in the future considering just how popular Junji Ito has been in the past few years.
What do you think of this hilarious fusion? Would you like to see an Addams Family manga drawn by both Ito and Ishiguro? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Junji Ito!