
My Hero Academia Scares Fans With Deadly Mirko Cliffhanger

The final act of My Hero Academia has begun, and war has found its way to the forefront once more. All For One is ready to take down society for good, but Deku and his friends aren’t going to let that go down. Despite a hitch in their plans, the heroes are set to fight Shigaraki in the manga these days, and Mirko is the one leading the charge. But thanks to a recent cliffhanger, well โ€“ the Rabbit Hero’s legions of fans are forming a prayer circle for the heroine.

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Readers tuned intoย My Hero Academiaย this week with high expectations as they knew Shigaraki was on deck to battle. Deku might have been pulled away from the fight, but Best Jeanist and Bakugo are there to keep the baddie busy. The manga’s latest update confirmed Mirko is also there with several others who want to stop Shigaraki, but the chapter ended with the Rabbit Hero getting smacked by Shigaraki’s mutated arm.

As you can see below, fans are panicking because โ€“ well โ€“ Mirko has a history of getting seriously injured. Many expected the pro to die during the Raid arc a while back as he lost two limbs to the Nomu. These days, she is geared up with some high-tech prosthetics that will allow her to work. So as you can imagine, fans were scared silly whenย My Hero Academiaย allowed Shigaraki to get a hit on Mirko.

The cliffhanger appears to show the hit drawing blood, but there is no decay present. Shigaraki is obviously super strongthanks to his buffed quirk, but Aoyama and Eraserhead are keeping the villain from using that power. A backhand like the one Mirko got is going to hurt, but it shouldn’t be fatal in the long run. But ifย My Hero Academiaย is going to pick on the hero from the start, you can see why fans are worried the manga will snuff her out for good soon.ย 

What do you make of Mirko’s most recent cliffhanger? Do you thinkย My Hero Academiaย would kill off this heroine? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.

Let Her Breathe^tfw

We Beg You

Not Another One^tfw

Needs to Sell the Goods^tfw

That’s Going to Hurt

A Total Flip

Please Stop