With Izuku Midoriya being trained to become the new “Symbol of Peace” by the hero All Might, it’s clear that the trials and tribulations he’s been going through as a student of UA Academy are making it so that he will not only be a worthy successor to the former number one hero, but in our minds, will surpass him! We break down the multiple reasons why Deku is looking to become a far better “Symbol of Peace” than his mentor based on what we’ve seen during the anime franchise of My Hero Academia!
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His Friends

Class 1-A has given Midoriya a number of friends that he is not only able to confide in and train with, but also match his powers against as he periodically gets in battles with his rival of Bakugo. With the top class of young heroes within UA Academy consistently battling super villains that are considered far above their weight class, it’s almost insane to think about how many life or death situations that they’ve come into contact with during their first year within the super hero school!
His Experience

Midoriya, much like his fellow classmates, has gone through battles the likes of which All Might has only occassionally seen and he is far younger than when his mentor had started his journey of becoming a hero. Facing off against the League of Villains, the Yakuza led by the villain Overhaul, the Nomu, and the hero killer Stane to name a few, Deku has been sharpening his skills in fighting villains, and sometimes his fellow heroes as a part of UA Academy! With so many adventures under his belt in only the first year, Deku already seems like he is a professional hero yet still has years to go until he joins the “big leagues”.
His Powers

Midoriya isn’t the same level of strength as All Might was at his peak, but the depths of which he’s discovering within the quirk of One For All prove that he is going to potentially be vastly more powerful than his mentor. With the manga detailing how Deku will be able to access numerous additional powers from the Quirk given to him by All Might, it’s clear that super strength is only going to be one of the many powers that Izuku will be able to wield once he’s mastered his quirk fully.
All Might’s Involvement In His Life

Simply put, All Might teaching Midoriya is a huge boon that the previous wielder of One For All didn’t have. Taking what he learned from his mentor, Nana Shimura, he gives Deku a serious benefit in being able to rely on what he knows about the all powerful quirk. With All Might becoming a teacher at UA Academy following his “retirement”, he is in a clear position to help Deku in a way that will help nurture Midoriya’s Quirk and make him a far better hero than he was!
Midoriya’s Love For His Fellow Man

When Midoriya was first introduced in the introduction of My Hero Academia, he was flinging himself into battle with no powers whatsoever to save his fellow classmates and random civilians on the street. One of the reasons that Deku was chosen by All Might was that he proved himself to be a hero long before he gained super powers, and it’s in his empathy that he will be able to connect with the people that he saves on a higher level than even All Might was able to during his career!
His Scars

Midoriya has broken nearly every bone in his body since becoming a student at UA Academy, and with the numerous fights that he’s encountered, Deku might have already fought in more battles during his first year than All Might did during his entire career! With his Quirk now under much better control from when he started, Midoriya has found a way to become a hero of his own that focuses on the force of his kicks rather than his punches, relying on his own strengths versus All Might’s!
The Paranormal Liberation War

The Paranormal Liberation War is proving to be the ultimate challenge for the heroes of My Hero Academia and should Midoriya survive it, it’s clear that this trial by fire is going to sharpen his skills even further from where he once was. Shigaraki is taking his place as the new heir of All For One and becoming the true leader of the villains and with the heroes clashing with this insanely strong threat, Deku is going to have to step up and might need to be better than All Might to help win the day!