The Egghead Arc is the latest storyline in One Piece’s anime adaptation, which hasn’t just been housed on Crunchyroll, but made its debut on Netflix as well. Seeing the Straw Hat Pirates venturing to a new adventure following the defeat of Kaido and his Beast Pirates during the War for Wano Arc, Monkey D. Luffy and his crew are going to have their hands full. To get fans hyped for the next installment of the series, Episode 1090, the anime has released several new images for the next leg of the Thousand Sunny’s journey.
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While the Egghead Arc has only just begun in One Piece’s anime series, the new opening for the beloved shonen series has given fans plenty of clues as to what is to come for the Straw Hats. In the opening theme, anime fans are able to see Luffy taking on Rob Lucci, Law taking on Blackbeard, and other battles that will populate this new storyline. On top of the many fights that will take place in the Grand Line, fans should get ready for some major revelations when it comes to not only some beloved characters, but the Grand Line as a whole.
One Piece’s Egghead Arc Preview
Episode 1090 has the title “A New Island! Future Island Egghead!”, hinting at Luffy and company landing at their next locale. If you want to learn more about the next episode, here’s how the anime adaptation describes the installment, “The Straw Hats are thrown out into the snowy sea in the face of a powerful force! A new shadow closes in on the sinking Sunny, one threat after another looms. Does the place where the stray Luffy and the others have washed up on offer hope or despair?”
In One Piece’s manga, the Egghead Arc is still continuing to this day, making up the first big storyline of the final saga. Without diving into serious spoiler territory, the arc so far has revealed some major revelations for many characters that have been a part of the Straw Hats’ story so far.
What are your predictions for the Egghead Arc? If you’ve been following the manga, what are you favorite moments from the storyline so far? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Grand Line.