One Piece Cliffhanger Unleashes Garp's Massive Power

The One Piece manga has expanded the events of the Egghead arc to other major fights happening across the seas, and the cliffhanger from the newest chapter of the One Piece manga has sent Luffy's grandfather Monkey D. Garp into a new battle and unleashed his massive and terrifying power. While Luffy and the Straw Hats are currently in the midst of a huge mess with the Marines as they are trying to destroy the famous Dr. Vegapunk's island laboratory, the rest of the seas aren't looking much better as massive battles are breaking out all over the place

With the end of the Wano Country arc it was quickly revealed that since fans last got to see Koby, he's become a massive hero to the marines. But at the same time, it also made him a huge target of Blackbeard and his crew, who took Koby hostage in the previous One Piece manga chapters. As One Piece Chapter 1080 follows up on what's been happening to Koby since he was taken captive, the Marines have launched a huge force to rescue their hero with Garp leading the charge with a massive display of power as the chapter came to an end: 

One Piece: Garp Is Finally Back in Action

Previous One Piece chapters have teased that Garp would be making his move on Pirate Island after it was announced that Koby was captured by Blackbeard, and Chapter 1080 of One Piece picked up right after to reveal that the Marines have successfully attacked Blackbeard's home base. While Blackbeard's crew is massive and have grown in their power since we had seen them in action last, Garp is still clearly powerful as he launches himself into the sky and comes crashing down with a Galaxy Impact to send shockwaves through the island. 

Koby's concerned why Garp and the others would go so far to save someone like him, but as Garp explains, Koby's the future of the Navy. Yelling that Koby is his protege before launching the Galaxy Impact on the island, it seems like fans are gearing up for a huge new display of why Garp has been hailed as one of the major heroes of legend for all of these years.

How do you feel about seeing a display of Garp's power in action? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animation and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!