You won’t find many One Piece fans that disagree that Ace has been an amazing older brother to the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, giving up his own life to save his younger sibling during the Marineford Arc, and the latest chapter of Eiichiro Oda’s manga has gone one step further by proving that the fire-wielding pirate was the best sibling in the world! 2021 is set to kick off One Piece’s manga with the one-thousandth chapter of the sprawling epic and the War for Wano is inching ever closer to its finale as more is revealed about Ace’s past in the process!
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Warning! If you have yet to catch up on One Piece’s latest manga chapter, Chapter 999, you might want to steer clear as we’ll be diving into some serious spoiler territory for the Wano Arc of the franchise!
Ace, despite being dead for some time in the universe of One Piece, has had an influential role to play during the Wano Arc, having visited the isolated nation years before. With the latest chapter, we are given a flashback to Ace coming into contact with Yamato, the offspring of Kaido, during his travels. With the two sharing drinks and conversation following a brief skirmish, they lay out their dreams to one another and Ace talks about how much faith he has in his brother, despite not even sailing the seas of the Grand Line at that point.

Not only does Ace hype up his brother, but Yamato even goes so far as to note that the fire hurling swashbuckler won’t stop talking about his younger sibling, showing just how much love Ace has for Luffy. Of course, we would eventually see this play out during the Marineford Arc with Ace sacrificing himself to save his brother and the legacy left by the former Whitebeard pirates remains following his demise.
The War For Wano is easily one of the biggest battles to ever take place in the Shonen series of One Piece, giving us some of the biggest challenges that the Straw Hats have ever encountered, along with further revealing the biggest secrets of the world of the Grand Line. Before this latest arc concludes, we definitely wouldn’t be surprised to see more flashbacks of Ace and his influence on this unique landscape!
What did you think of Ace’s touching scene recollecting his love for his brother? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Straw Hat Pirates!