One Piece’s anime has been running for over two decades now, following the life of Monkey D. Luffy as he assembled his crew of Straw Hat Pirates to help make him the king of the pirates, and during that its long tenure, the voice of this stretchy Shonen protagonist has been voiced by Mayumi Tanaka, who recently admitted that she has never read the manga! Throughout its history, One Piece’s Luffy has only been voiced by Mayumi, adding her name to the roster of long running anime voices that have helped mold the medium throughout the decades!
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Currently, in the One Piece anime, Luffy and his crew are riding some difficult “waves” in the form of the isolated nation of Wano Country, fighting against the forces of Kaido, the Beast Pirates, and the nefarious shogun known as Orochi. With Wano having a deep history in the world of the Grand Line, with the likes of Whitebeard, Ace, and several other big name pirates having a prior relationship with the land, it is clear that the current Wano arc will have lasting ramifications for the Shonen series. With Eiichiro Oda hinting that the series will come to its end within five years, we’re crossing our fingers that Tanaka will continue to voice Monkey until the end of his journey!
Twitter User SoulStormOP shared the revelation that Tanaka has not read the entirety of the manga, stating that she “prefers” rather to be surprised by the events in the scripts that are handed to her before she brings the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates to life on a regular basis:
Luffy’s voice actor, Mayumi Tanaka, said that she does not read the One Piece manga and prefers to know the events from the script she receives to perform for the anime
— ⚡️ Soulstorm ⚡️ (@SoulstormOP) September 6, 2020
The manga is approaching its one thousandth chapter of the long running series, and we’re crossing our fingers that it will be a pivotal moment in the franchise considering the monumental impact the installment will have. With the War for Wano in full swing in the manga, one of the biggest battles in One Piece’s history is clearly going to take its toll on the world, for good or for ill.
What do you think of this interesting One Piece factoid? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Grand Line!