One Piece Theory May Have Pinpointed Bonney's Biological Dad

A viral One Piece theory has surfaced suggested Bonney's father is actually Saturn.

One Piece has always known how to break our hearts, and 2024 is already reminding fans of that truth. We are a week into the new year, and One Piece has made its return with a very upsetting update. As Egghead Island faces the wrath of the Five Elders, One Piece has put Jewelry Bonney in the spotlight. The girl has earned the ire of Jaygarcia Saturn, and their recent chat has sparked a viral theory about Bonney's true lineage.

The update all comes in the wake of One Piece's most recent chapter. It was there Saturn had a brutal heart-to-heart with Bonney. After the girl learned Saturn's part in the death of Kuma, Bonney is out for blood. Of course, the Five Elder hardly sees the girl as a threat, and he took time this week to crush her spirit by sharing a terrifying anecdote.

The latest One Piece chapter follows Saturn as he reveals he knew Bonney's mother Ginny. The woman was kept hostage by the World Government so Kuma would follow its orders without fail. Of course, Bonney was kept hostage as well once she was born. Though before her birth, Saturn admits he did chemical experiments on her mother.

"Years later, I performed a chemical experiment on your mother who was the eight wife of a fellow in the Holy Land," Saturn revealed. This disgusting line made it clear that the World Government trafficked Ginny as a slave to wed one of its own. She was then forced to undergo experiments and even impregnated. When this was revealed, Saturn's line was vague enough that many questioned if he fathered Bonney. But over on social media, fans such as New World Artur are fighting back against that claim.

"However, in my own impression, and after consulting with other Japanese speakers too to be safe, we all agree that he appears to be referring to another Celestial Dragon who took Ginny as his wife and Saturn simply used Ginny as a lab rat," the fan shared online after breaking down the manga's original text.

According to the Japanese text, Saturn does not confess to being Bonney's dad, but it is clear someone in the Holy Land fathered the girl. Another member of the Five Elders may be at fault or one of their Holy Knights. For now, we're left to guess about the girl's bloodline, but we do know one thing. Bonney sees Kuma as her real dad, and she will go through hell to avenge him against the World Government. 

What do you make of this latest One Piece theory? Who do you believe fathered Bonney? Let us know what you think in the comments below as well as on Twitter and Instagram. You can also hit me up @MeganPetersCB to share your take!