
Jujutsu Kaisen and One Piece Animator Just Gave Re:Zero Its Best Episode Yet

Re:Zero Season 3 really went all out thanks to help from a prominent One Piece and Jujutsu Kaisen animator


Re:Zero -Starting Life in Another World- is now working its way through the climax of the Counterattack Arc in Season 3, and the newest episode gave fans one of the best fights in the arc yet thanks to some help from a prominent animator who’s worked on One Piece, Jujutsu Kaisen and more. After making its comeback for Season 3 last Fall before taking a hiatus, Re:Zero is now back in action with the second half of its third season this Winter. After all of the build up last Fall, it’s just one big fight after another in the latest epsiodes.

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Re:Zero -Starting Life in Another World- Counterattack Arc has been showcasing how Subaru and the others are now facing off against the Witch’s Cult members, and the newest episode shifted its focus back to the fight between Garfiel Tinzel and the eight armed revived swordsman, Kurgan. The two of them have been going back and forth through the arc thus far, and now this fight has come to an end thanks to an awesome scene brought to life by Vincent Chansard, a major animator behind some of One Piece and Jujutsu Kaisen‘s coolest fight scenes.

What Happens in Garfiel vs. Kurgan?

Re:Zero -Starting Life in Another World- Season 3 Episode 13 sees Garfiel continuing his fight against Kurgan, and he’s been struggling the entire time. It’s revealed that Kurgan comes from a race of four armed fighters, but was ostracized due to being born with eight arms. Despite all of that, he demonstrated his strength by defending his village all by himself. Garfiel also learns that if Kurgan doesn’t use all of his chosen swords in battle, then he doesn’t recognize his opponent as strong. So Garfiel is facing an uphill battle in a number of different ways.

When Kurgan knocks him into one of the underground spots where people are hiding, he sees the young children he bonded with before. With them cheering him on, Garfiel decides that he needs to defeat his opponent once and for all. This gets Kurgan to recognize his strength, and this lead to the cool animated scene that brings about the end of their fight. Thankfully, Garfiel was successful and was able to defeat Kurgan while also getting the legendary figure to recognize him as a warrior. It’s Garfiel’s biggest victory in the series to date.


What’s Next for Re:Zero?

Re:Zero -Starting Life in Another World- Counterattack Arc is only scheduled to run for eight episodes, and that means the final episode of the season is rapidly approaching. As the Winter 2025 anime releases start wrapping up their respective runs as well, Re:Zero Season 3 is getting ready for its own explosive finale. There have been some big hits to the Witch’s Cult over the course of this half after everything that happened last Fall, and it really seems like Subaru and the others are really close to an actual victory.

But as seen with Re:Zero -Starting Life in Another World– in the past, Subaru and the others really shouldn’t be comfortable until they are fully safe and clear from all of these fights. Regardless, this has been the most action-packed arc of the series to date as each episode has been filled with some big fights and action scenes. It was already a good looking series, but the latest episode has gone to a whole new level thanks to animators like Chansard who are able to take that even further. Now it’s time to see what’s coming next.