Rick and Morty Season 6 is now in the final three episodes of the season overall, and the newest episode of the series certainly surprised fans with a deep dive into Rick Sanchez! The sixth season got off to a much different start than seasons past as it not only promised that there would be more ties to the overall continuity of the series, but fans have gotten to see a new look into Rick as a person following all of the reveals in the fifth season. But as the seventh episode went wild, fans had no idea what to expect from Episode 8.ย
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While Episode 7 of the season might have thrown out the traditional formula set by the rest of the season, it also made sure to stay within the continuity with the return of some characters we haven’t gotten to see for a while. That continues with Episode 8, “Analyze Piss,” that sees Rick reaching out to another returning fan favorite character for some help in figuring some stuff about himself out. Here’s the breakdown of everything important that happened during Rick and Morty Season 6 Episode 8 below:ย

- The episode begins with Rick and Morty fighting Mr. Nimbus over a sea fortress as the returning villain gets the best of Rick as Rick ultimately decides to blow it up. Following this they are approached by “Cookie Magneto,” and Rick is so uninterested in taking on a “’90s goofball supervillain” that he instantly wipes him out with a laser. It’s here that Morty asks Rick to look into why they might be gunning after him, and Rick decides to figure out why so many villains are hunting after him.ย
- After the credits it’s revealed that Rick has sought out the returning Dr. Wong, and he wants to get to the bottom of why villains are trying to make a statement off of him. Despite everything he’s done, these villains continue to attack and thus Dr. Wong tells him to ignore the villains for a week to see if they give up. The rest of the family reacts to the fact that he’s gone to therapy. But soon the family house is sprayed with urine from a villain known as the “Pissmaster.”ย
- Jerry decides to fight the villain after it threatens Summer with a golden shower, and gets into a fist fight that ultimately leads to Jerry having an awkward and brutal confrontation where he wins as the villain cries and apologizes to Summer while the rest of the neighborhood watches. In fact, he’s gone viral for doing so. Rick is upset over the fact that other villains will be drawn to Jerry as a result, but it turns out that two hero like aliens arrive and offer Jerry a place in their ranks.ย
- They have no interest in Rick, but Jerry is fully accepting of the “sticky orb” of power that they give to him. He doesn’t know how to figure it out, but Rick refuses to help him figure it out and says he helps by not helping. The rest of the family is angry over the fact he refuses to help, and thus he makes Jerry a powerful suit that can channel the orb. Thus Jerry decides to head to a planet with Space Hilters making some kind of evil plan.ย
- Jerry heads to the planet to fight the Ricks, and ultimately blows it up completely. It’s revealed that each of those on the planet was another Hitler with their own plan to enslave the world, and thus Jerry is lauded as a hero even more. Following the credits, Rick goes back to Dr. Wong’s office and tells her about how Jerry has become a hero. But while things are changing, he’s complaining over his immense power. She notes how it’s a positive change for him despite how much he seems to fight against it.ย
- Meanwhile, Jerry gets offered a free spaceship and invites his family to be the crew. Rick stays behind, and he’s content. A new villain comes and attacks him, but he ignores him and thus another villain soon pops up and they take care of one another as he celebrates being “out.” Soon Rick starts to drink, and hears about how Pissmaster is being ridiculed all over the galaxy. But upon arriving at the villain’s home, the villain has attempted suicide.ย
- Rick fails to save the villain from taking his own life, but soon hears Pissmaster’s daughter talking through the doorway about how she would never forgive himself over something. But Rick puts the villain’s suit on to try and make the daughter feel better for now. Finding Pissmaster’s note, Rick realizes how much Pissmaster had hurt from the fight with Jerry and decides to take on the suit himself. Deciding to become a full on hero to better the villain’s name, Pissmaster becomes much better seen through the galaxy.ย
- It turns out he ignored his session while taking on Pissmaster’s suit, but Wong believes it’s healthy if he’s having a free and fun time doing what he’s doing. Meanwhile, Jerry finds out how much the other hero society members are falling in love with Pissmaster, and they offer him an orb as well. Jerry’s sent out to be the one to recruit Pissmaster to test whether or not he deserves his orb.ย
- It’s soon revealed that Rick’s plan to give Pissmater a heroic death by saving a planet of orphans from a massive bomb, but Jerry interrupts him by trying to give him a hero orb. While Rick is trying to fly away with the bomb, Jerry’s trying to take Pissmaster down before finding out Rick was inside the suit the entire time. Soon the bomb explodes, and Pissmaster is given a heroic death where the villain’s daughter can be seen celebrating it.ย
- Everyone soon finds out about Rick is Pissmaster, and the hero orb group thinks it’s some sort of wild group. To cover up Pissmaster’s real cause of death, Rick says he’s been the villain the entire time and the family believes he did so in order to help Jerry get a major victory of his own. The rest of the family forgives him, but Rick tells Morty about Pissmaster’s suicide. He had to tell someone, and Morty then tells the rest of his family immediately.ย
- Soon the rest of the family ends the episode begins to fight one another over the their clashing ideology over the suicide (and whether or not Rick should have kept it quiet). The post-credits scene sees the group trying to recruit more heroes with the orbs, and they decide they want to recruit Mr. Nimbus to their cause.ย
READ MORE: Rick and Morty Season 6 Brings Back Fan-Favorite Villain | Rick and Morty Season 6 Escapes the Fourth Wall in Newest Episode
What did you think of Rick and Morty’s newest episode? How are you liking Season 6 as a whole compared to previous seasons? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!