Scott Pilgrim Takes Off is a new animated series that’s heading to Netflix in November created by Scott Pilgrim author Bryan Lee O’Malley and Happily (2021) director BenDavid Grabinski. The new series will see the highly-anticipated return of the cast from the 2010 film adaptation, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, which was helmed by Edgar Wright, who is returning to executive produce the new series. The creators of Scott Pilgrim Takes Off have said that the new show won’t be a remake of the original graphic novels, in fact, fans can expect some changes to the characters. The show will expand on Ramona Flowers’ (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) “evil exes,” and the girl in question will also be a little different.
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If you recall, Ramona originally was a delivery person for Amazon, but Grabinski explained that they wanted her to have a job that “was not product placement.” He also added that fans we will get to see Ramona and the rest of the characters “more outside of their relationship to [Scott],” He explained, “Ramona especially. It’s been so fun to try to just give you so much more of an emotional connection to her and adding as much shading as we can.”
“We’re trying to get into people’s heads more,” O’Malley added. “Because when I was 25 years old, I didn’t know what these people were feeling necessarily. But I’ve seen a lot more life and I have more context for those characters now.”
Which Actors Are Returning Fo Scott Pilgrim Takes Off?
The entire live-action cast of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is returning to voice their characters in Scott Pilgrim Takes Off. That includes Michael Cera as Scott, Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Ramona, Kieran Culkin as Wallace Wells, Anna Kendrick as Stacey Pilgrim, Brie Larson as Envy Adams, Alison Pill as Kim Pine, Aubrey Plaza as Julie Powers, Johnny Simmons as Young Neil, Mark Webber as Stephen Stills, Ellen Wong as Knives Chau and Satya Bhabha, Chris Evans, Brandon Routh, Jason Schwartzman, and Mae Whitman as Ramona’s Evil Exes.
“They’ve all gone on to do incredible things, but to me, they’re family,” O’Malley said of the cast in the press release announcing the series earlier this year.
“Luckily, the Scott Pilgrim cast became a close-knit family and friendships were forged for life,” Wright told Netflix blog Tudum. “There — to this day — is still a group email with the entire cast on it, that’s been going since 2010. I was happy to be able to reach out to everyone with the news that we had finally come up with a way to continue the adventure. Seeing (and hearing) everyone come back to their roles has been a true pleasure.”
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off will feature new music by the chiptune band Anamanaguchi, who previously created the soundtrack for Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game. Look for Scott Pilgrim Takes Off on Netflix on November 17th.