Super Dragon Ball Heroes‘ fourth episode recently made some major additions to the franchise with the Evil Saiyan Cumber’s Super Saiyan Great Ape form, and even a new take on the Super Saiyan transformation.
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Utilizing a dark ki much like Cumber, the mysterious scientist Fu revealed a “Super Saiyan” transformation of his own in order to take down Cumber’s powerful transformation.
When Cumber’s Super Saiyan Great Ape form goes out of control with power, both Goku and Vegeta struggle against him. Cumber’s attacks keep them at bay, but at the same time, each of his ki blasts begin to crack the Prison Planet’s chains. Fu notices this and is angered because it wasn’t a part of their original “deal.” He only wanted Cumber to fight Goku and Vegeta to study their energy, so he wasn’t happy with his methods.
Fu then goes out to the Prison Planet himself, unsheathes his sword and transforms into a Super Saiyan like entity with dark ki. He then absorbs the power of the artificial full moon into his blade and cuts through Cumber, returning Cumber to his original form. He doesn’t cut Cumber’s tail, so it’s a mystery as to how Cumber had been forced back into his normal form.
Then disappearing as soon as he arrived, he says that the others are the only ones who are supposed to be fighting at this time. So fans don’t see how much power Fu’s Super Saiyan-like form brings him compared to the others. But seeing his attack instantly bring down Cumber’s rampage is certainly nothing to scoff at.
If you’re unaware of game the anime is based on, Super Dragon Ball Heroes is the latest digital card fighting game and the top earner in the digital card arcade scene in Japan. Developed by Dimps, the update brought enhanced graphics and the ability to play as seven characters at the same time and provides all sorts of fantastic fan-service never seen in the original series.
For those curious about the promotional anime series, the fourth episode of Super Dragon Ball Heroes is currently live and is titled “Rage! Super Fu Appears!” The translated synopsis for the episode reads as such:
“Cumber unleashes his fearsome form and runs wild. His power is too much for the Prison Planet to handle, and the chains start to snap one by one. Seeing this throws Fu into a rage, and he unleashes his hidden power.”