Tokyo Revengers was one of the biggest new anime series to arrive in the past few years, following the young man Takemichi Hanagaki as he travels into his past thanks to time-traveling shenanigans as he tries to save the love of his life from a perilous fate brought about by the formation of a mob. With the anime adaptation set to arrive early next year, it seems that the creator of the series, Ken Wakui, is working on a brand new spin-off series that further fleshes out this unique universe.
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The Official Twitter Account for Tokyo Revengers took the opportunity to share the news when it comes to the spin-off series, which will be hitting Weekly Shonen Magazine next month and take readers through the initial meeting between Keisuke and Chifuyu:
The English translation of this Tweet reads:
“The official spin-off manga “Tokyo Revengers-Letter from Keisuke Bachi-“, which was lifted at yesterday’s event, will arrive in the first episode of Weekly Shonen Magazine No. 35 released on July 27 and will be serialized in Magapoke. Dr. Yukinori Natsukawaguchi draws the story from the encounter between the place and Chifuyu to the farewell under the full supervision of Dr. Wakui. Stay tuned!”
If you haven’t had the opportunity to dive into the world of Tokyo Revengers, the official description of the popular time-traveling anime story reads as such:
“Watching the news, Takemichi Hanagaki learns that his girlfriend from way back in middle school, Hinata Tachibana, has died. The only girlfriend he ever had was just killed by a villainous group known as the Tokyo Manji Gang. He lives in a crappy apartment with thin walls, and his six-years-younger boss treats him like an idiot. Plus, he’s a complete and total virgin … At the height of his rock-bottom life, he suddenly time-leaps twelve years back to his middle school days!! To save Hinata, and change the life he spent running away, hopeless part-timer Takemichi must aim for the top of Kanto’s most sinister delinquent gang!”
Are you hyped for the arrival of this spin-off series? How many additional seasons do you think the anime adaptation will produce in the future? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the Tokyo Revengers.