In preparation for the upcoming live-action adaptation of Fullmetal Alchemist, there will be a upcoming art exhibition in Tokyo. The exhibition was announced on Twitter with new art from Hiroshi Arakawa, the artist behind the original manga and story of the franchise. This is the first time she has drawn anything new for Fullmetal Alchemist in five years. The last original FMA art that the artist released was the cover of the final volume of the manga’s “perfect edition”.
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โ ๆ ็ปใ้ผใฎ้ฌ้่กๅธซใๅ ฌๅผ (@hagarenmovie) March 23, 2017
The visual announced that the world’s first Fullmetal Alchemist art exhibition will be held from September 16 to October 29. The exhibition is a mega exhibition for the entire FMA franchise featuring original art and storyboards. The exhibition will take place at the Tokyo Dome City Gallery AaMo.
The exhibition will highlight the following:
- Over 100 original manga arts, including color graphics and a newly drawn one for this exhibition. A video to introduce her drawing process will be also shown.
- Anime series’ storyboards and key animation drawings.
- Costumes and items used in the forthcoming live-action film.
- Audio guidance by the anime voice actors.
- Original goods newly made for this exhibition.
If you are unfamiliar with the Fullmetal Alchemist Franchise, Crunchyroll describes the plot as the following:
“Disregard for alchemy’s laws ripped half of Ed Elric’s limbs from his body and left Al’s soul clinging to a suit of armor. To restore what was lost, the brothers seek the Philosopher’s Stone. Enemies and allies โ the corrupt military, the Homunculi, and foreign alchemists โ will alter the Elric’s course, but their purpose will remain unchanged and their bond unbreakable less.”
The new live action version of the Fullmetal Alchemist story is set to debut December 1 in Japan.
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