For fans of the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise, the creator of said card game phenomenon has dipped his pen into the world of Marvel Comics with a brand new manga that follows both Tony Stark and Peter Parker as they rally against a villain who seems suspiciously similar to characters that have appeared in the card based series. With the “Iron Manga”/’Secret Reverse” now ready to read for fans of both Yu-Gi-Oh! and Marvel Comics, the story presents Iron Man and Spider-Man with a challenge in the form of a villain named Kaioh, who seems to be able to manifest monsters from a certain card game.
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The story itself, which can be read here though it is in its original Japanese language, shows Peter Parker attending a technology convention where Tony Stark appears in front of Kaioh, looking to play a card game of his own. As Kaioh unleashes a card called “Death Dimensional Monster”, it springs to life and actually captures Tony Stark before he is able to fully transform into his “bodyguard”, Iron Man. With Tony defeated by Kaioh, the battle ends with Peter struggling with the decision of whether or not to suit up and take on the card wielding psychopath.
Exploring more of Kaioh’s backstory after his defeat, Tony contemplates his next move. Hilariously, this new villain seems to be plucked straight out of Duel Monsters, even sporting a haircut that is so similar to that of Yugi Moto and company that your head will spin. Whether or not this story is actually going to turn out to be a crossover between the worlds of Yu-Gi-Oh! and that of Marvel is yet to be seen, but from Kaioh’s appearance and abilities, it wouldn’t surprise us at this point!

The chapter ends with Peter deciding to take matters into his own hand, sneaking behind Kaioh in his Spider-Man costume, beginning a battle that will have to wait for the next chapter of this newest output from Kazuki Takahashi. The second chapter of this story will debut this November, ending the story of Tony Stark and Peter Parker squaring off against Kaioh, but Marvel fans shouldn’t fret as there are apparently more Kazuki/Marvel collaborations coming down the pike. “Secret Reverse” may be the first outing for this unique pairing, but it certainly won’t be the last.
In between the first and second chapters, we’ll see additional Marvel/Shonen Jump collaborations focusing on Deadpool, the Avengers, and Ant-Man. Whether or not these will also focus on card-based villains is a question that’s too early to ask. Based on the success of these entries, we’ll see if future collabs between Shonen Jump and Marvel come about.
What did you think of this first chapter of “Secret Reverse“? What other manga artists would you like to see work on the Marvel Universe? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and Marvel-Gi-Oh!