Over the course of the next year, DC Comics will release at least 52 collected editions of their New 52 titles. In addition to their previously-announced oversized hardcover collecting all 52 first issues (available in December), DC announced today via its blog The Source that there will be 51 more collected editions between May and November of 2012, accounting for all but one of their launch titles. Mini- and maxi-series such as Penguin: Pain and Prejudice, The Shade and Huntress were not accounted for which is unsurprising since they’re technically not part of the 52, but the absence of the much-touted and well-liked Wonder Woman series by Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang is more surprising.Hiding within the solicitations (such as they are–none of the books have product descriptions yet and many of them don’t even have subtitles) are a few nuggets of new information, though; let’s take a look:Most of the New 52 stories appear to have built their first arcs around the familiar six-issue structure, in spite of DC’s early comments that it would no longer be editorially-mandated to do so. This means that most of the trade paperbacks will be roughly the same size as most of DC’s trade paperbacks over the last several years.
[UPDATED] DC Comics: The New 52 – Collected Editions Announced
Over the course of the next year, DC Comics will release at least 52 collected editions of their […]